Chapter 24

"Should I enslave or eliminate these clans?"

A teen asked himself as the night wind blew gently through his black hair as his blue eyes looked down from the top of a stone tower. Down below, he watched vampires playing with their 'toys' as they chased them down or fed on them. There were sounds of passions also coming out of the tower he sat on, but calling it passion is a stretch.

The screams of women calling for help came from the courtyards while others already gave up hope. There were some even liking it as their minds were broken and kept mumbling on about 'their Edward'.

"This is part of where I am supposed to be a hero and rescue them isn't it?"

The teen said but made no movements on actually doing it as he truthfully didn't feel like it. The only reason he killed or planned to kill the three from earlier is because of their arrogance. There might have been a bit of annoyance on not finding his answer faster, but it was mostly their arrogance.

"This is like their culture so would I be like the villain or devil for killing them for it?"

The teen just thought of as he held his chin as he looked around hoping to find his target. Raising the dead was a serious matter after all, the smell of decomposing flesh stinks after all. The souls on the other hand are a hit or miss on returning depending on how fast or far they are in their next reincarnation. So he wasn't really concerned if the corpse had souls or not.

"Did you hear that rumor about Marius?" Azure heard a male below him as he watched the blood bath happen below.

"The one where he is in league with a devil or using his own sister as an experiment." Another male replied on the older side of the two.

"Yeah, I wonder what he does with the half breed." The first voice chuckled. "Anyways, it seems that some of his experiments escaped a few days ago."

"Is that so." The second man laughed. "Well, it looks like we are cleaning up the Leader son's mess again. I'll send someone out to take them out tomorrow."

Gaining the information he needed, Azure did a small scanning spell finding his target towards the center of the fort city. While the vampires seemed to have kept the walls and towers, they kept up with modern times and have a city inside the walls.

'It like a zombie camp, but instead of keeping the dead out it keeps them in.' Azure joked to himself as he jumped across the rooftops 'Only the vampires are alive in this world since they can reproduce. Now which floor is my target.'

Arriving on top of a large mansion Azure scanned the building. Inside the building he found four signatures with two waiting around the dining hall while two were eating. Noticing that his target wasn't here, Azure expanded his search finding a room deep below the surface.

"Well, at least he won't be able to scream for help." Azure said as he appeared in the entrance.


In the dimly lit dungeon, Azure found himself in something out of a horror film. Shackles hung on the walls with bloodstains below and corpses or living corpses lined the ground. The smell of death and rotten fleshes filled the room.

In the center of the room a man in his twenties was laughing as he scribbled on his clipboard. In front of him, a girl appearing around nineteen held out her hand above a woman's corpse. After a minute the corpse began moving as the woman slowly moved and screamed.

"Perfect Valerie, you're getting better." The man laughed as he slid his fingers into the recently revived woman's skull killing her again.

The teenage girl just nodded as she held a small smile on her. It was like she was there but in a permanent exhausted state. The living corpse looked over at them and knew that was their fate once they truly became a corpse.

"Killing someone you went through the effort to revive." Azure slowly clapped his hand, alerting the living he there.

"How did you get here?" The man shouted as the teen girl looked at him. She barely had a reaction to him, but held out a small bit of help.

"Ah, I met this lovely devil recently. He was willing to give out your information."

"Rizevim you bastard you sold me out." The man shouted. "A devil going back on his word. Well, that doesn't matter, I will take care of him after I deal with you."

"Is that so, thanks for the name. Now you can die." Azure calmly thanked the man as he eliminated him. Whatever the man had planned, Azure was sure it would be annoying to deal with. Mass reviving or empowering is never a good sign. "Now what should I do with you?"

Azure looked over the girl who was broken and wondered how he should fix her. While he could heal her with his magic, healing her mental state might be a bit tricky even for him. Rubbing his chin he decided to use his taming skill since it was god tier and might fix her.

[Tame Successful]

[You have tamed Valerie Tepes. Recovery time: Three months.]

"That actually worked." Azure said as surprise leaked into his voice.

Instead of gaining a new maid, Azure watched as the girl fell to the ground entering a deep sleep. Her body went into a hibernation mode to repair itself as Azure did a small internal scan over her. Pulling her into his grimoire since his maids will take care of her, he looked around at the rest of the few still breathing.

"I suppose I could heal them." Azure said tossing out a couple healing spells and teleporting them to hospitals. "There I did my good deeds for this decade. Now what to do with the vampires?"