Chapter 30

With a long yawn, Azure opened his dark blue eyes to an impressive sight. Inside a room he didn't recognize but thought it was pretty good looking. He was greeted by various women some he recognized as they were his current maids or manga series while others he didn't. While they all had varying features and assets, they all had two things in common.

The first is all beautiful in their own way and the second and most important reason. All the womens were in their birthday suits gracing his eyes with over fifty naked and wonderful breasts and ass.

As Azure continued to watch their breast without shame, he wondered how he got here. Pulling up the blue screen from his first wish when he reincarnated, he just chuckled a bit. It seems that someone had the nerve to try and put him into an illusion. Well, they succeeded in putting him into an illusion, but he doubted they knew he could shatter it with brute strength.

Walking around the room, he watched as the wall continued to expand outwards as more women appeared. It was like the illusion was telling him his future which he doesn't really mind as he is currently enjoying the view.

Giving the room a last look, Azure unleashed a tiny bit of his power and watched the entire space shatter. As his room quickly filled in his surroundings, Azure's eyes casually drifted to the caster. There a man in his late twenties to early thirties stood there.

The man had short brown hair and eyes as sweat dripped from his forehead and blood from his lips. His skin was deathly pale as fury and despair filled his brown eyes as he glared back at Azure. Wiping the blood on his black robe, the man knew the end was coming as he drew a dagger.

"I don't know how you have that much mana at your age or the dark magic you used to get it." The man said. " But you shouldn't have messed with my employer."

Sighing at the assassin, Azure almost felt a small bit of pity for the man. Almost. Flicking his finger, at the man, Azure watched the man silently scream in terror as he turned into nothing. As he casted a couple more spells to clean up his room, Azure had a single thought run through his mind.

'I should have wished for the Alpha Stigma.' Azure thought but shrugged as he dropped the idea. It sounded like a fun idea, but that would require him to actually try to learn or copy magic. Which was something he didn't want to do. Then there is also the issue of going insane and dying shortly after. Another thing he wasn't so keen on doing.

With another yawn, Azure rolled out of bed hearing a small moan from behind him. Turning his head slightly he found the naked body of a pink haired girl in his bed. Slightly tilting his head back and forth, he tried to think if he recently dined but had no recollution of eating Lala. It has only been a week since he met her, and he usually won't touch his maid for at least a month or more.

'Well, I don't mind dining on her with a rocking and beautiful body, but I doubt she would allow it.' Azure thought as he needed work or allowed Iriko or another maid work their magic on her. Until then, he will just admire her like fine art.

'Comparing girls to fine art, would fine wine be better? The more aged they are the better they are. Or is that a line husbands say in an attempt to keep their wives happy once they hit sixty?' Azure wondered as he decided to work on his manga and possibly start his next one.

While he did have a few ideas of his own, Azure decided to go with Naruto. While he continued to make small or short series on the side of his own creations, he plans to fix a few timeline and plot holes. Well some of the plot holes as he doesn't know if he can patch all of them or do them well.


"Brother, what are you doing?"

Iriko asked as she opened the door to his room waking up Lala who was sleeping in his bed. She found him hunched over his table finishing up his latest chapter and about to begin Naruto. While he made a few minor changes to some of the characters appearances such as touch ups. He was prepared to begin drawing out the first chapter once he finished the final panel on his History Strongest Disciple Kenichi.

"Planning my next long running manga. What do you think of these characters?" Azure said, handing her a paper with the sketches of Naruto and Kakashi. He also had a few sketches of Sakura and Susake, but he was mainly focused on drawing the characters at the moment.

"They look pretty cool, but what is their story?" Iriko asked as a naked Lala appeared behind her.

"Your drawings are really good." Lala complimented.

"Thanks Lala, as for their story it follows around Naruto Uzimaki as he becomes a shinobi in hopes others recognize him and become Hokage. Throughout the story, his goals from wanting recognition changes and wants to bring peace to his world and become the Hokage." Azure began to explain. "Hokage is the leader of his village, he grows up and a lot more to the world."

"Cool, I can't wait." Iriko said excitedly. "I hope it is as exciting as your History Strongest Disciple."

"Who knows." Azure said as he thought both had their pros and cons that made them stand out.

"Well, I can't wait to read it." Iriko said. "I am taking Lala clothes shopping later. Do you want to tag along?"

"As much as I want to see you both trying on underwear, I got a few meetings." Azure answered as he thought of Tiamat and Kuroka.

"Ok, then we will just have to give you your own private show later."

"I look forward to it." Azure said as Iriko pulled Lala out since Azure banned Peke from his room. Peke thought it could brag about Lala's background in front of him and scare him.