Chapter 35

The sound of gravel crunching under the feet of a few hundred men as the breeze ruffled through nearby trees. Dressed in dark armor as they marched onwards as each was equipped with weapons ranging from swords and spears to bows and staffs. As each had a shadow casted over their serious face, they all gathered under two known super devils for one reason.

To protect their lovers.

As the rumor continued to circulate it only grew as it said Azure comes in the middle of the night and sweeps lovers away without sound. Now they hope that once they fulfill his demand they can capture him for causing untold chaos in the underworld.

At the very front of the line, Sirzech was calming his nerves as he spotted their target. In front of the small army, a man with an amused smile stood there with his hands in his pockets. The man appeared to be in his forties with dark silver hair and hazel eyes.

Wearing a silver suit similar to Sirzech Maou outfit, Rizevim Lucifer found the approaching army highly amusing. He was well aware of the rumor and got a kick out of how one teen managed to throw the whole underworld into chaos. His current thought was along the lines of the teen not having the courage to take him on and force others to do it for him.

"So the shameful devils decided to pay me a visit?" Rizevim said as he allowed his mana to carry his voice so all could hear.

"You brought this upon yourself. Whatever deal you had with the vampires has brought trouble to us." SIrzech replied. "Now for the sake of the underworld and the return of my wife and mother, you are going down."

Releasing his destructive form as the army behind him unleashed their mana. Rizevim was slightly worried due to Sirzech and Ajuka Beelzebub. As the two stood side by side, he cursed that he didn't see the second super devil in the small army.


Sitting high in the sky waiting for the battle to unfold. Azure watched lazily surrounded by all his maids and to girls he kidnapped. Iriko, who instantly joined his maid collection, was sitting next to Kuroka and Tia giggling among themselves. The three of them were sitting across from Azure as they slowly spread their legs showing they weren't wearing anything underneath.

"Do they have to say such cheesy lines before battle?" Elmenhilde Karnstein asked.

"Papa said it for those who are weak wanting to sound tougher than they are." Lala said as she smiled.

"Umm, Lala how are you here and why are you naked?" Azure asked curiously as he never brought her to his dimension yet.

"Well Iriko invited me and Peke ran away once she learned you were going to be nearby." Lala answered as she gave him a thumbs up. "Oh, and Zastin wants to meet you."

"Who is that?" Iriko asked as that name didn't ring any bells.

"He is mine and my sister's bodyguards, as well commander among them. Something about checking if you're worthy or not." Lala shrugged.

"Oh, the battle started." Azure said as he instantly lost interest. Checking if he was worthy was like asking the king who created his kingdom if he was worthy. The man who gained the trust and loyalty of all who followed him only to be asked by some random man if he was worthy.


In an instant the ground was turned into a war zone as tons of condensed magic exploded littering the area in creaters. With Sirzech and Ajuka confronting Rizevim, the army behind them began their raid on Rizevim castle. The last thing they needed was Rizevim calling reinforcement or escaping into his heavily guarded castle.

"I expected better." Rizevim laughed as he batted away the Sirzech spell of destruction towards Ajuka.

Forced to give up his attack, Ajuka jumped out of the way as a newly formed crater appeared. Both Sirzech and Ajuka were growling in annoyance as they needed to end this battle fast. The longer it takes, the more pointless destruction is going to happen and the more risk their men will lose their lives.

"Is this all you got. If so neither of you deserve your title as super devils." Rizevim taunted the two.

Unleashing more of their mana, the Sirzech charged head first bringing both into an intense hand to hand as sonic booms were heard. The speed and force behind each clash could be heard for miles around due to both parties using magic to reinforce their bodies.

"Sirzech, quickly move away." Ajuka shouted as he unleashed a large green energy column as if called from the heavens.

"My oh my, that was a close one." Rizevim said as he wiped away the dust on his clothes. While he was sporting a few scratches and bruises from Sirzech, he was relatively unharmed.


Back up in the clouds, Azure listened to most of his maids cheered as they thought it was an impressive display of power. Kara, Tia and Kuroka who Azure brought with him when exploring the lower floors in the dungeon. The three thought it was ok but nowhere near Azure as they were used to him effortlessly ending stronger beings.

"Impressive. My son is so strong." Venelana commented smiling ear to ear.

"If you say so." Azure said.

"Master, we all can't be you." Kara commented, making the other wonder if she was praising him or reprimanding.


Back down on the ground, the guards who were invading the castle were quickly rounding up the servants and guards. It would appear Rizevim didn't feel the need to inform them to raise the wards.

"Zeoticus, you might want to take a look at this." a man in his thirties with flaming red eyes and blonde hair said. They were currently raiding Rizevim office and wondered what he did.

"Well, this is a surprising discovery." Zeoticus said as they looked over a single document. "This could be bad."


"Ruin of Extinct." Sirzech shouted as he released a rapidly growing red ball that was covered by lightning erasing anything it came into contact with.

Ajuka who was attempting to battle Rizevim gave him a heavy kick sending him into the menacing attack.

Screaming in rage as Rizevim barely survived but clearly heavily wounded. Deep gashes were covering his body as his clothes were torn and completely dyed red in his blood. The fear of death was present in his eyes as was uncontrollable rage and hatred.

"I'm going to kill you." He shouted before he saw the sky as his body fell beside him. Standing over his body, he saw a teen with dark blue eyes staring down at him.

"Well, I'm sorry to say but you won't be killing them." Azure said as he picked up the decapitated head. Looking up to Sirzech as a funny thought crossed his mind. "You have failed to keep your end of the bargain in eliminating him. So I will be keeping the girls."