Chapter 37

Inside Grimoire world, Kuroka was skipping through the halls of the palace where all Azure familiars and maids lived. Well, if they choose too or stay in from time to time as it was a bit empty most of the time. Pushing open a wooden door, she found Kara currently stitching Grayfia and Venelana maid uniforms and another they could use to seduce Master.

This was Kara's welcoming gift as she hand stitches the uniforms by hand. She would choose some of the best quality materials they have stored away.

"Kara, do you know where Master is? I want to know if he is up for exploring my wet cave?"

"Kuroka, Master, took both Grayfia and Venelana to Sin City. He mentioned something about wanting to empty the casinos or something." Kara answered. "Also, you already used your three session this week. Check if Yasaka will allow you to slide in on one of her turns."

"Sin City? Why would a Master need to go to Vegas and gamble? He already has enough money to last five lifetimes and it is only growing." Kuroka shook her head as she prepared to leave. "Oh well, it's a bit sad for Vegas to be losing so much money. Maybe I should tell Rossweisse, it would be perfect to buy some cansinos that Master nearly bankrupts."

"I had already notified her as I do everytime Master goes out. Now get out before I decide to send you to Konou and play with Zelia ." Kara said as she waved her hand, sending a small pulse of magic.

With a stinging feeling on her ass, Kuroka found herself out in the hall with the door closed behind her. Shivering at the thought of going near Master's latest buy, San Francisco garter snake which he named Zelia. Kuroka decided to go find Yasaka.


"Azure, you do know you're not old enough to enter any of these cansinos." Venelana said as they looked up at the casino the first cansino.

"Better yet, why should we allow you to enter anyways?" Grayfia asked as Venelana nodded. Neither of them are much gamblers and certainly don't want a fifteen year old to begin.

"I know, but I don't care. This is what illusion magic is for." Azure said as he pulled open the door.

Sighing as they walked in, they just hoped Azure knew what he was doing and Vegas was still standing once he left.

Clapping his hands together, Azure looked over from the card tables to slot machines. While it didn't really matter that much to him where he started he was going to clear the cansino out. After all, with all the magic at his disposal it would be improper of him not to cheat.

"So, where shall we begin?"

"While I don't agree on allowing you to play and knowing you will still do it anyways. Let's play blackjack first before you clean the slot machines out." Venelana sighed as they grabbed their chips. While Azure gave both women around three hundred to play with he just took fifty to start with.

Sitting down at the first table, Azure sent a small grin to the cute dealer in her early twenties. She just smiled back, as Azure made himself appear what he thought he would when he was twenty one or two. With his long black hair pulled back with two bands falling on either side of his above average face, dark blue eyes and lean muscular build. He naturally appealed to many of the opposite sex and a few males, but he ignored those.

"Hello, so do you three know the rules." The girl asked as she kept sending glances to Azure.

"I haven't played in awhile. I believe the last time was with a group of cowboys." Venelana commented, gaining a small remisent look on her face. "It also ended once Jack or Jacob or something with a J tried to cheat. He was shot soon after as no one else was in a mood to play as he was dragged off."

The woman just blinked and just laughed at what she thought was a bad joke. Neither Grayfia nor Venelana thought to correct her since both had a few centuries on her. As the woman passed them out their cards, Azure silently used a weak prophecy spell to glimpse at the game.

"So what brought you three out today? You don't look like the type that gambles often."

Before either Grayfia and Venelana could answer Azure spoke first. "These two beautiful women recently began working under me. In order to break the ice I decided to invite them along to spend the day relaxing."

"Wow, impressive." The woman complimented as her eyes gained a small light of lust in them. "So what type of business do you run?"

"Porn." As soon as those words left his mouth, the woman's eyes changed from lust to disgusted. As she dragged her eyes over both Venelana and Grayfia while shaking her head.

"He is joking. He runs a fairly large business from fashion and modeling to gyms and material trades in gems, metals and such." Venelana said, giving Azure a small glare.

While still holding some doubt, the dealer just decided to play in hopes they leave soon.

Shaking their head, the two sighed at what their life has in store for them now that they are Azure maids. While they were glad he hasn't really demanded anything from them yet as they still care for their in name husbands. Since how can they suddenly switch their feelings for someone they have been with for centuries.

As Azure's cards flipped over, revealing he had twenty out of twenty one. "It looks like I won this round?"

"Not yet," the Dealer woman said with a slight smug tone. Not really liking her tone, Azure just shook his head as he silently took a peek at her cards. Unless she magically gets a three she at most tie with him if she gets a two. Which he highly doubts as neither of those numbers are near the top, middle or bottom of the deck.

As his mind drifted to her cheating, he did a quick scan of her body and saw her with a few wads of cash in her panties and cards in her sleeve.

'That has to be one of the weirdest spots to hide money you are stealing.' Azure simply thought as she switched the woman card she had stashed in her sleeves. The thought of her offering 'extra services' didn't cross his mind due to the look she just gave them at his joke.

When she finally tried to bring the card out of her sleeve, she tried to play it off but was failing to keep her rage and shock inside. Instead of the three like she wanted, she somehow pulled out a king.

"Well thanks for the game, but I think we are done here." Azure collected his chips as both Grayia and Venelana just shook their heads. They were totally ignored and didn't actually get to play.

"Azure, why don't you go play and Grayfia and I will go off and play at some other tables." Venelana asked in a motherly way.

"Well I did bring you to have fun. So run along and come find me once you have spent all your chips." Azure said, like he was dropping his kids off at an arcade.

As Azure vanished in the crowd, Grayfia looked over at her mother-in-law or maid sister as Kuroka said. "Didn't both Tia and Kara warn you not to let him stray too far. We are supposed to monitor and minimize or clean up the issues he causes."

"I raised two children, this won't be different." Venelana said confidently and would later regret those words.

In less than ten minutes they watched as security rushed over to the slots. Word soon reached Venelana ears of a handsome man with long black hair and dark blue eyes who was suspected of cheating. Pinching her nose, she wondered how this managed to come about so fast as it hasn't even been ten minutes.

"Shall we go bail him out?"

"I think he will be fine."


Standing in a small room as a large man towered over him, Azure calmly looked the man in the eyes. The man appeared to be in his late twenties early thirties with muscles threatening to tear his shirt.

"You do magic isn't allowed on the slot machines."

"I don't know what you're talking about?"

"Of course you don't. Just like all the other magicians that are walking in everyday trying to make a quick buck."

"I don't pull rabbits out of hats."

"Don't play dumb with me. We have proof of you using your magic on the machine." The man shouted as it got right in Azure's face.

Wiping the saliva that landed on his face, Azure calmly locked the door with a simple locking spell.

"Now, this is going to happen. None of you are going to be leaving this room the same as punishment from interrupting my fun. The second this will hurt you a whole lot more than me. Finally, I am going to leave after this and continue playing in the casinos."

With the snap of his fingers, Azure grinned evilly as his dark blue eyes stared coldly at the three guards. Shouting as they tore at their clothes as their bodies began changing before eyes. Not satisfied yet, Azure decided to ampitfied their pain. As the guards' chest began to expand, their skins gained a softer and slender look. He has just turned the three guards into women as killing them for doing their job didn't make much sense.

Satisfied at their punishment, Azure walked out of the room as he decided to continue playing slots. Not at all caring about the panic or chaos he just left behind.


As Grayfia watched Azure walk away from the scene he made, she went to work erasing the surveillance and guards memories. It wouldn't do for them to interrupt Azure fun as she feared he might erase the city like he promised with the Gremory territory.

'He is like a child." she thought as she shook her head.