Chapter 49

When the auction drew to a close and everyone left the hotel. A young handsome teen stood on the hotel roof next to a pink hair girl. As a small breeze ran through their hair, both of them looked up into the sky.

There they watched as a small grey ship with a few lights on it descend headed towards them. As the ship drew closer, the girl with long pink hair reaching down to her lower back, ended up ducking. The ship passed mere feet above their heads before landing behind them, but not before causing a small dust storm.

"They are quite daring aren't they?" Azure asked a bit unfazed by how close they flew near him.

While he would usually destroy or erase those that pulled a stunt like this scaring his maids. If it was an accident then fine, but doing it on purpose means it is open season. Only he doubted he could do much to these two due to being Lala's sisters.

Don't misunderstand he is still going to punish them, but they will live.

"Azure, you won't punish them too harshly right?" Lala asked as she began dusting away dust from her clothes. Since she wasn't wearing Peke due to knowing she was around Azure, her clothes didn't have her self dust removal or self repairing.

"Depends on how they act once exiting." Azure answered simply by earning a sigh from his lovely maid.

The door on the ship slides open revealing two near identical girls a year or so younger than Lala. On the left with her pink hair tied into pigtails, a teenage girl with an average body stood there. Behind her a black tail waved about with a heart shape tip.

Next to her with the bigger bust of the two, a girl whose hair reached her shoulder, stood there trying to smile innocently. Similar to her sisters, she had a tail behind her with both wearing similar clothes. While her sister wore shorts, she on the other hand a skirt, which the wind kindly displayed nothing underneath.

There her hairless and flawless slit was displayed for them without an attempt to cover herself. Instead of covering herself she ran and hugged her elder sister, giving Azure a clear view of her small round ass and pussy.

"Hey, what do you think you're doing looking at my sister?" The girl in pigtails demanded.

Acting as if picking his ears, Azure looked at her, "Did you say something."

"Yes, how dare you look at me sister like that. I bet you just some beast." The girl started ranting about seeing her sister's body.

"If she is going to offer a free view upon arriving. Why should it matter if I look or not." Azure calmly answered. "So how does that make me a beast?"

"It is not very nice to continue to stare." She fires back after a few seconds.

"I'm a teenage boy, of course I am going to stare." Azure answered, infuriating her about seeing her sister's body.

"Pervert." She shouted.

Flicking her forehead as he yawned, Azure stepped to the side as the bigger breast sister of the two tried to attack him. Not bothered by the free show she gives him every time she tries to kick him. Azure just kept weaving through her attacks effortless as she quickly tired herself out.

"Well, as fun as this was, I got better things to do then stay here." Azure explained as he grabbed both girls' heads. Resisting the urge to slam them into the ground, he opted to smash their heads together.

"I will see at home Lala." He said as he left.

Leaving Lala behind, she looked at her sisters and sighed as both were complaining. While she didn't like her sisters being treated like that, she knows Azure would just ignore her complaints.

'Normally he is chill, but recently some of the simplest matters have been sitting him off. Was he just an angry teen?' Lala thought to herself as this was agreed upon in the older maids. 'A very angry one?'


Hovering above the leader of the Phenex clan mansion. Azure was rubbing his chin on what he wanted to take from them. Their phoenix tears held no interest as he has thousands from actual phoenix and most of the women don't interest him. As for their wealth, they already gave him a decent amount at the auction.

"I will just settle for a favor to cash in on a rainy day." He decided as he appeared in the dining room. There the Lord Phenex sat alongside his wife, three sons, daughter and a four year old grandson.

Silently taking a seat at the table unnoticed by everyone except the small boy. Azure pulls out a small stuff pheonix made from a demon sheep he found in his dungeon. He gave it to the small boy who smiled at him probably thinking he was a relative he didn't know yet.

Eyeing the older woman at the head of the table, she has long blonde hair tied up with blue eyes while appearing in her twenties. She was quite the beauty with her breast similar to Kuroka's and slim waist and large hips. His mind drifted to making her one of his maids but decided to stay his hand.

He didn't really have a reason to kidnap her, not that he needed one. So he just decided to wait wondering how long it would take anyone to notice his arrival. As Lord Phenex began talking about his experiences at the auction and Azure coming.

Scoffing at the mention of Azure, who he assumed was Riser stood up. "Why should we be worried about some no name. He has kept us waiting months for his visit as if he has some important big shot. We are also Phoenix and can heal naturally from anything so whatever this no name teen can dish out. We can just regenerate from."

"You are forgetting brother, he managed to throw the entire underworld into chaos. Not to mention sneak up and kill a super devil in front of the two other known super devils." The youngest girl who Azure assumed is Raval said.

The girl looked like a younger version of the woman but with her blonde hair in pigtail appearing with drill-like curls. She just shook her head at her youngest brother as she disagreed with his stance.

"I agree with both of you. While we shouldn't act like we are afraid, but be caution until we know more about his strength." The eldest son answered with the second nodding with neither acting arrogant.

"When he appears, I will challenge him to a fight and show you guys we had nothing to worry about." Riser stated arrogantly with most of his family shaking their heads.

They all knew they could regenerate, but it takes more than that to win a fight to the death. It appears that Riser winning in the rating games due to this ability has led him to believe differently.

"Are you willing to put your life at stake then?" Azure voice neither loud or soft, calmly asked.

"Yes, why should I be afraid of some brat." Riser answered before looking over as did the rest of the family.

Calmly almost deadly calm, Azure rubbed his chin. "Very well, I didn't really plan on taking anything but your family can thank you for changing my mind. I will be taking all our peerage, and your mother, but I will allow them to battle alongside you."

"Stop acting like you already won you bastard." Riser shouted in anger while his father sighed.

The thought of disowning the boy crossed his mind as he basically cost him his wife and daughter. As for most of Riser peerages, he feels like they will end up under Raval so no great loss there. If anything he felt a bit of pity for Azure since most of Riser peerage are arrogant or divas.

"Zero times fourteen is still zero."
