Chapter 63 - Short Bad Epilogue

Inside a small bedroom, a teen sat on his bed as he rubbed his chin as if studying or deep in thought. Before his eyes on a transparent light blue screen scrolling through thousands of spells and magical rituals. Power radiated off him in waves as he didn't seem to find what he was searching for.

"Hello Azure."

An aged voice that seemed to prevail against the test of time and held great unmatched power. Looking up from his search, Azure saw an elderly man with long flowing white hair and beard and a wooden staff. Wearing a dull grey with some highlights robe, the man calmly summoned a chair and sat down.

"Who are you?" Azure asked, wondering who the old man was. He could tell the old man was strong and if they both fought he wouldn't be surprised if the world or cosmos was destroyed.

"I am called many things but you can call me God. No I am not the one to create this planet but an Eternal one like my granddaughter who heads over heels for you." The aged man chuckled at the momentary stunned teen.

"So what can I do for you?" Azure asked as he came back to his senses. He wondered what the man wanted since it was not to fetch or make him something. So it must be something around the relationship he has with the blonde Goddess.

"Nothing much, just to see what my granddaughter sees in you. From what I could gather from looking into you. You're an alright boy though I will warn you that she's a bit of an airhead."

Azure just nodded as he could gather that from his limited interaction with her. "Aren't you going to comment on the large numbers of deaths I caused?"

"You're a death god so of course you will have a large body count. I wiped out entire universes usually when immortals try to act like their the strongest there is? Going against heaven will? Nope, it is one of the paths I created for mortals to try to become immortal. A lot of their challenges and difficulties are their own doing. I only added the lightning tribulation to test their wills." The aged man ranted on about how it's the journey and will to test the river of time.

"So is there an actual reason for visiting?" Azure asked, breaking the man rant.

"Hmm, oh yes. I am here to give you the key to my granddaughter's dimension since she forgot to give it to you. Though you would have found a way in soon, I decided to save you some trouble." The man tapped Azure's head allowing him the information. "I am also here to give you the rules of the multiverse that you and all the gods must abide when traveling."


"The first is to stay out of the root worlds as they are not to be tampered with since they are my projects. You may however copy a point in time and create a parallel world if you decide and my Granddaughter can teach you. My second rule is stay out of the world that either refuses you or sealed. They belong to someone else or another godly being currently resides there. Finally, have fun and feel free to take as many 'maids' as you like."

"Is that all your rules?" Azure asked assuming there would be more.

"Hmm, for the most part. Now I must be off as I have an interesting soul to meet. Somehow his soul was set into two different dimensions and he recently was wrongfully executed. Such an interesting thing to happen so I will be off, Azure." The elder man seemed almost giddy as he vanished from Azure's room.

'What a weird old man.' Azure thought, wondering what he should do now. He wasn't really in the mood to sleep with any of his maids or go out and collect one. Thinking hard, he finally came to a decision. 'I guess I will just lay around for the day.'

"Master, Kunou made a mess in your workshop after your latest robotic head fell in front of her." Kara's angelic voice quickly brought an end to his thoughts.

'Well at least my maids keep things lively.' He thought as he vanished from his room smirking at his new life. 'It good to be me.'