The one with the true lust for love (2)

How to play against the gamemasters:

First, follow the rules they set for you and react the way they want you to react after receiving the clues they give you.

Second, convince them with your temporarily irrational and overly emotional reactions (note: cannot be too dramatic, even if you know they'd love that, this is to prevent them from developing any possible suspicion).

Third, it's your time to do some digging. Snoop around about the other side of the story and the likely truth.

Finally, this part can be a bit tricky. To find out the root of the game and why it is played at the first place, you need to do a lot more digging. But it shouldn't be too hard because let's be honest, the gamemasters aren't the most meticulous types.

Now you've got a counter game plan, what the hell are you waiting for?

I never thought I'd do something like this, but I was left no choice. For almost a year, Malfoy and I were pestered by others about our relationship, and at one point I even thought about breaking it off with him, but thankfully I came to my senses, yet these people still wouldn't let it go. I could no longer sit still and watch them kept trying to stir my relationship into the directions they wanted.

Why did relationships in school just had to be filled with drama?

I was longing for summer, where I would be freed, once for all. At least that was the hope.

Before potion class, I waited for Pansy Parkinson by the door, and the moment she approached, I pulled her aside.

"Hey," I said, "A few days ago you said there's something you want to tell me, does that offer still stand?"

"Sure," She was caught a little off guard, but quickly cleared her throat.

"Okay," I acted as if I was serious, "How about we talk after the class? Do you have a minute?"

"Y-Yeah," She almost stuttered, "That works."

I nodded before walking into the class and sat down next to Malfoy, who was in the very last row.

"What was that for?" He squinted, "Do I sense a certain evil plan?"

"I wouldn't say it's evil," I shrugged and leaned in toward him, "You know how they kept trying to play mind games with me, it's time for me to pay back."

"I'm sure I understood," Malfoy rose his eyebrow, "And I'm not sure if I want to."

"Yes, you do," I sounded smug, "You see, I asked Parkinson to meet up with me after class and tell me what she's been withholding. She must be really nervous and flustered now, and if she's plotting something with Ron, I'd expect they have some sort of exchange during class. However, when you corner them and give them the connivence to talk to each other in the open air without anyone questioning anything, they'd act like they don't know each other at all. But I bet they will exchange the information secretively, which is going to look way more suspicious than if they just talk."

"Is this why you asked me to sit in the back row, so you can observe them?" Malfoy smirked, "And you utilized Greengrass and the others to sit strategically so Weasley and Parkinson had to sit with each other?"

"And potion class comes handy with the group work," I said proudly.

"What shall I do with you?" Malfoy smiled, "I am thoroughly amazed how you chose to plan a revenge. This certainly doesn't sound like something you'd normally do."

"To simple put it," I winked at him, "All you need to do is to love me."

"That is rather cheesy," He couldn't hold a straight face, "But that's not something I cannot live with."

"And I'm thoroughly amazed by you using the word 'cheesy'," I smiled too, "What happened to your articulate word choices and eloquence?"

Malfoy shook his head and squeezed my hand.

I was right about Ron and Parkinson. I had to shamefully admit that I spent way too much time observing them than I should've and made Malfoy do most of the work. But when I caught them passing a note back and force while adding herbs into cauldron in turn, I knew my time-well, perhaps in a little exaggerate way-was well spent.

"They are indeed planning this together," I revealed my discovery to Malfoy, who was busy figuring out what step to do next, "They would've succeeded if Ron kept his mouth shut."

"I still fail to comprehend the reason you once befriended Weasley," He said as he was fixated on the open page of the book, then looked up to me, "Now, since you've discovered what you wanted to know, Miss. Granger, a little help would be appreciated."

"Yes, of course, sorry," I turned red and switched my focus to the class.

After class ended, I asked Malfoy to leave without me, which he reluctantly agreed.

"You need to tell me if Parkinson says something out of the line," He said sterned before he left, "I will make sure she stays on the other side."

"I think I've got a plan," I pecked his on the cheek, and added after seeing his look, "But, yes, I will tell you whatever she's about to tell me. Now go before she sees you."

While I was waiting by the door, Ron passed me without making any eye contact. I was standing in a place where most people would look at me subconsciously and unknowingly as they passed me. And only the one that was consciously avoiding me would look the other way.

Though I was becoming more and more confident with my plan, I told myself not to be carried away too early.

Parkinson was one of the lasts to get out of the door, considering Ron left way earlier than she did, instead of getting them off the hook, this gesture just made them look more suspicious in my eyes.

"So, what is that you want to tell me?" I asked the moment she got out.

"Let's wait until it's just the two of us in the hall, shall we?" She suggested, looking at the ground.

We waited in awkward silence, and I'd be lying if I said I wasn't nervous.

When the hall was finally cleared and it was only us standing in the long, dim and slightly humid dungeon, Pansy Parkinson sighed,

"There's no easy way to tell you this, but, um," She swallowed, still wasn't looking at me in the eye, "Truth to be told, Greengrass is obsessed and madly in love with Draco. She's only pretending to be your friend so she can get back to you and take Draco away from you."

As if I didn't already know what she would say.

"And why should I believe you?" I frowned.

"You don't need to believe me," Parkinson finally looked directly at me, "You can see it with your own eyes. Tell me, isn't it a bit strange the way Greengrass and Draco talk to each other? Isn't it almost like-what was the word again-ah, flirting?"

Although I did anticipate her to say something along this line, when I heard it, it was still a little crashing. I had been keeping the same thought to myself and brushed it off, yet when someone else said it, it seemed to become real.

No, I told myself not to go there, I chose to trust Malfoy, and I would stick with it.

My reaction seemed to please Parkinson. Half smiling with triumph, she said:

"I'll let you hang onto that thought alone."

She then left, leaving me by myself in that damned hall, persuading myself to move pass it and proceed to the second step of my plan. And I came to the conclusion that I would have to clear it up with Malfoy before anything else was to be done.