CH 4: My name is Carl

After successfully looting the 5 guards, they disguised themselves as kesh soldiers.

After all, they couldn't walk around in all white clothing in the desert. Do you even know how suspicious that is?! Very.

Either way, traveling through the desert is no easy feat and they didn't bring any supplies whatsoever. In fact, due to the extreme cold that deserts have at night, our Ran Ran here is forced, along with Ann, to run indefinitely across the freaking cold ass desert! Just to keep their bodies from freezing to death! Obviously they can't keep this forever, though some more than others. And this kept up for the next 6 hours. The only reason why it stopped at 6 hours was because they had met nomads and they had so "graciously" lent them some space in the back of a cart their camels carried. Though these very same camels were over 2 meters tall or just shy of 7ft. This growth spurt allowed them to haul much more cargo than an otherwise normal sized camel could carry. They also had much bigger humps on their back, allowing for an expanded storage for water. 

Then again, Ran couldn't care less as he was busy sleeping on Ann's lap like a baby! Clearly all running had tucked the poor kid out. And his name is Ran for god sakes! How ironic can that get.

And I thought this wasn't a harem. Why is he sleeping on a girls lap? A childhood friend no less. Oh, it's unbearable to watch this anymore.

And as Ran was sleeping, boom. A loud bump occured that woke Ran from his slumber. Ann on the other hand was frowning, as if her precious time with Ran was wasted! Oh the scoundrel! She's playing him like a drum all along, biding her time for when she could strike and end our mystical journey in an instant.

"Where are we?"

Ran didn't seem fazed waking up on a girls lap. It seems he's still too inexperienced to realize the situation he was in. Suddenly a voice could be heard inside the cart. And it wasn't his.

"'Where are we' you say? You don't know where you are?"

Ran looked around the cart to find the mysterious. Seeing that he can't see anything, he turns to ask Ann who also presumably heard the voice. And upon turning his head to look at Ann, he was met with a glare. A glare that shot right past him and into a darkness filled corner.

Turning his head again, he focused on that section and saw a silhouette of some vaguely shaped humanoid. Suddenly, a pair of cold green eyes appeared, as though through a rip in space, and stared silently and without blinking towards Ran. They were so clear that you thought they were Crystal balls; able to look straight into your sent a mild shiver through his soul, but he recovered for some reason. 

Probably just another plot-armor device I guess. Ann, on the other hand, wasn't even fazed or mildly affected; almost as if her soul was too resilient to even recognize what was staring at her a mere couple lines ago.

Soon after some nice staring time, a cold, dead smile of pure white teeth could also be seen.

"Who are you?"

Ran immediately asked. Though he subconsciously started increasing his flow of soul juice; as though he was afraid of the answer he might receive. Ann, too, flexed her muscles in preparation for the worst.

"Woah, woah… woah. Hold on a second here, brother. We're all friends here, am I right?"

"Of course brother!"

One of the various nomads outside the moving cart answered. One could even hear a faint crack in their voice-like if they're afraid of the consequences of not answering the question.

Ann, noticing this, crumpled her face in displeasure. Her spidey senses started tingling even stronger now.

"See, what did I say, brother."

"Well, alright. Can I at least see your face? You know, you look creepy when all I see are those serpentine eyes and blinding teeth. I do admire your hygiene though."

Oh shit! Ran you idiot! How can you say something like that to what is probably our first real villain. Weep… he's going to die for sure now.

"Well now, what a sharp tongue you have… brother. Your wish is my command."

Upon walking out of the darkness, what could be seen can only be described as a humanoid lizard… well, not exactly. Sporting with the already mentioned snake eyes is a short and sharp nose. The kind that would look better on women. On the sides of his face are not just one pair of elf ears, but two! Why two you may ask. It's simple-because I want him to have two.

Contrary to the whole lizard, reptile look, he actually has just a normal row of human teeth, although they are blinding to look at. Other than that, he has just a normal human body. No tail, claws or snake tongue. Not even a lisp. Oh! There is one more thing. His skin is a shade of two-tinted grey and green!!!

"Like what you see, brother?"

Both Ran and Ann were completely and utterly stunned at the exotic appearance of this guy. He looked like he belonged in a zoo of exotic and rare animals!

He then proceeded to show some courtesy by showing a bow. A bow of exactly 45 degrees no less! It seems he isn't as bad as he had seemed. Phew… we just missed another bullet here. Geez, what is this, the matrix? Well, back to the story.

"Good morning to you, my brother… and… sis-ter. What lovely weather we have today. Let me tell you, where I'm from, brother, it's not… so god dang bright! Why?! It hurts just looking at it. How can you people live like this, argh."

"Good… morning to you too."

While this kid was flailing his arms about in a scared and terrified manner; especially towards the one sun ray that is coming from the separation of the two curtains covering the hole outside the cart, both Ann and Ran greeted him as if they had known each other for years.

Wasn't this guy too casual?!

"Uh, we never got your name… Ran by the way." Ann continued,"Ann Sharebringer."

"Cough, cough. Of course, Sorry about that. Just, I wonder who's strong enough to create a fireball that big… and strong. Anyways, I'm Carl."

Fireball… really now?

"Your esteemed… cough, brother, I'm Carl. You're called..." At that point, who I can only call Carl at the moment was furious," I know what I'm called alright?!"

Come on people, how can someone of his status and beauty be called… Carl. Clearly, that sun ray must have coerced him into saying that. Just look at that ray, smiling in contempt at the trio in the cart. Disdain written all over its non-existent face.

"Cough, cough, dang it! Why is my throat so dry. Sorry again, just a slip of the tongue. My name is Bobuul Cornelius I. But you can just call me Bob, brother. You know where I'm from, my tribe, everyone is family-not literally though! Haha..."

"Thus, now that you're a part of my family, you will be my brother… forever. And you too my… sis-sister."

Hold up! What does he mean by forever? Like forever forever… or? Now Ran and Ann were sweating bullets. That sounds so suspicious-why would he say forever?

"Ran, get behind me."

Ann decisively taking the forefront here, doing her duty of coddling Ran like a lioness protecting her cubs from hyenas. Well I can see where this is going.

"Woah, woah… woah. Hold on a second here sis-ter. That's not what I meant." Ann started," Oh yeah?" And Bob responded in kind:

"Yeah. You see in my tribe, our eyes have evolved for that exact purpose. To instill fear and terror into who ever sees them. You two however, were mildly affected by my eyes, thus you are trust-worthy enough to call you my family, Haha. To tell you the truth, I have extremely bad eyesight. In fact, everyone in my tribe has bad eyesight. I can barely see anything clearly past fifthteen feet in front of me. My eyes are merely just for show and you guys weren't disgusted by them. Most people, including those outside, would shiver in fright, like a prey staring into the eyes of a predator whenever they looked into them. And it sickens me to have these wretched vestiges of my ancestors, but they're still some-what useful. Mainly, scaring off the riff raff every now and then. Not you two, though."

"Now then, was that a good enough explanation? Brother? Sis-ter?"