CH 21: The Death of Ran?

"Uh…" Looking at the Giant Snakehead, Ran was stupefied. Looking at his wounds again, he was doubly stupefied. "Was that not just a dream… I'm hungry." Seeing Fluffy having already eaten a third of his prey, he was suddenly struck with a hunger pang like he had never felt before. It was even stronger than when he was a mummy. His blood seemed to push against his skin as his body was slowly pushed in the fish's direction, even against his will! He still hasn't felt that his body was already changing as we speak and he's concerned with food… sigh.

Even so, he wasn't some animal, unlike Fluffy, but his body wasn't listening to him! As he closed in on the fish, his injuries were agitated again and he lost too, too, much blood. Thud. He fainted; however, that didn't stop him from stuffing his hand in the Snakeheads mouth and ripping out the shredded heart.

Chomp chomp. Gulp. Even while unconscious and his eyes dull, his hand and mouth never stopped. First the brain and the heart, then swim bladder, followed by the intestines, kidney and of course-you can't forget the pancreas. In the end, he ate everything, though he interestingly left the ovary. After eating all the organs, he moved onto the flesh, and yes, that includes the scales. Actually, he crushed the scales into a powder and when there were only bones left, he would sprinkle them over it like a seasoning. 

Crunch crunch crunch. The resulting sound was though he was potato chips, and the bones offered little to no resistance to his teeth. You would think that a beast of such magnitude would have bones that a human being with a pretty weak body (mostly due his prior and new injuries) wouldn't be able to get through; but it was the exact opposite. He truly went through the bones as if he was eating potato chips, nothing more, nothing less. Now there was nothing left, except for the ovary of course. His body was glowing a faint blue aura as his amber eyes gained an ever so slightly more blue than it did when he first ate the blood core. If you remember, when he ate it, after sleeping for three days, he woke up with the inner edge of his iris being a shimmery blue with starry lights shining here and there. That same blue didnt grow, but grew more shimmery and saturated; though the difference is barely readable. Eating the whole fish gave him the much needed energy to not die, but more importantly, Fluffy was flabbergasted at his display of ruthlessness. She shied away, afraid he would come for her next. I'm sorry, I won't eat your fish next time, and I'm sorry for releasing gas on your face when you're sleeping!

After the aura faded, Ran woke up with much vigor, though his injuries grew exponentially worse from his ravenous eating manners. Spewing blood, a piece of an organ was spit out. His heart had ruptured and if he doesn't do something now, he's going to die within a few seconds! His body had truly destroyed itself when the blood and heart were fighting earlier. In the end, the heart couldnt handle all the stress and pressure and was already on the verge of collapse. If he stayed on the floor without moving for a couple weeks or so, he could've healed enough to do normal activities, but his body once again became rebellious. God, what am I doing writing about fart jokes when our mc is on the verge of collapse, quickly, write something to heal him!

Okay, okay, let me see… I got it! Ran… he, um, he activated his sigil… what!? It didn't work? What do you mean it didn't work? What, it did not rupture from kinetic energy? The heart is always beating which means it's moving and the blood is always circulating which also means it is always moving!? If he used his sigil to reflect the kinetic energy, it would ultimately stop his heart from beating and his blood would stop circulating which means his body will suffocate due to a lack of oxygen and it will lack energy in the form of ATP to do anything to counteract that (I was talking really fast here and was too anxious to talk cohesively)!? F**k this S**T! I'm out!

Splurt. His heart exploded! God damnit, he's dead… wait? What's that? A red-pink aura suddenly burst forth from his body! S**t, this f**ker again! Well, I can only hope it helps him, as it had done in the past. The aura then continued to burst forth until it reached the ceiling of the cave, then it suddenly plunged back down. Forming thousands of threads, they penetrated his body and injured him further, splitting what little blood he had left everywhere. Not again, please! He's already down for the count, yet you want to destroy him!? I thought you were on our side!

The threads entered all his veins and capillaries and swam around his bloodstream, then they congregated to the place where his heart once was. There, one could see various tubes of different sizes hanging and floating around are the pieces of his heart. The threads grew what I can only say is angry as they grew so red and pink that they started to radiate light. Wrapping themselves around the ruined heart, they're going to rebuild it!? Yay, they're going to fix it, they're going to fix him! Phew, I thought he was going to die for a second there.

Cough. Ran coughed, presumably a sign of life, but wait, what's this? The threads launched themselves out of his throat, like tentacles in a certain type of film, as they threw out his heart like they rage quitted and threw their console outside the window! Cry, sniff sniff. He's dead for sure! I was always playing when I said that in the past, but now… Fluffy I guess you're the new mc.

Sigh… I shouldn't have pushed him so hard like that. I just wanted to entertain you guys and make him stronger at the same time, but I guess this is where "Heir of the World" ends…


You're still here? What are you guys doing here, reading this? Do you want to be caught at the crime scene? Quickly, leave, before they find you here! Trust me, you don't want to get caught. There's really nothing to see here, anymore, it's over. 

Sniff, you know, Ran was always a good boy. Always following instructions, never causing trouble for anyone. Sometimes he would come off a bit cold and indifferent, but that was always when someone made fun of him, his family or Ann. Other than that, he was just a silly kid who just so happened to be a fate changing character who was born for success. Yes that's right. Just a silly boy who lived a fairly normal life; that is of course, I massacred his home… oh, Oh! What have I done!?


Oh, you never left huh? Well since you want to see him, in such a state, so badly, YOUR WISH IS MY COMMAND.


After throwing away his broken heart, the threads return to his heart space, and enveloped the entire area. Not just the heart as well, but every organ in his body was pierced and prodded by the threads. The heart space was the most dense and thousand ps upon thousands of threads wriggled and untangled themselves with each other. They kept intermingling until a heart shape (not the anatomical one but just like a normal one you would get on valentine's day. Unless you get anatomical hearts on valentines day, in which case…) took form. Rotating, the 3D heart suddenly jerked. It jerked again. 

Holy s**t, what is this blasphemy!? I-I didn't sign up for this! Please, someone help, this monster's moving!

It kept jerking while rotating, just like a real heart, except for the rotating part but you already knew that… I hope. Hearts don't rotate! However, it was creepy. It didn't jerk, and by that I mean pump of course, like how a normal heart would. 

Baduuuuuump Badump. Badump badump badump… then it would repeat. During the long pump, it would expand to about three times its original size before the next pump where it would release and a ripple would be sent to the rest of his body. The second pump would push the ripple and it would tug on the threads that spread throughout his body and use them to push the blood around his body. The last three pumps would cycle and send out the old blood (meaning it is lacking oxygen) to the lungs to be filled again; to send it back to the "heart" to be rippled and tugged throughout the body.

Cough, cough. Oh, he's alive! ALIVE!!! Very quickly, he regained consciousness and looked in front of him. What he saw was… the ovary. "Ooh, caviar! Daddy's gonna have a good time tonight-Ahh!" Just about to enjoy making caviar when a headache hit him like never before. It was like the time when he thought his head was gonna explode. He screamed and screamed and rolled around on the floor while clutching his head.

After one hour, "Ahh!" Two hours, "Ahh!" After five hours, "Dang it, Fluffy, help! Ahh!" No dice huh. After ten hours, "ah, ah. Oh for the love of-ahhh!" After a whopping twenty four hours, "Huff, God dang it! Huff, what the hell happened!?" Seeing his heart off to the side, he immediately puked. "Who's heart is that?" He looked towards Fluffy for an answer when he saw that she was hiding behind a rock, shivering; as if she saw a ghost. Despite being disgusted by the twitching, heart pieces, he knew the answer to his own question. "Oh my heart, it aches. Well it doesn't but, look at how they massacred my boy." Picking up his own heart pieces, he solemnly checked the situation within his body. Seeing the soul heart and all the threads of soul juice in his body, he paled. "No f**king wonder." He thought. His head was aching at the same level as before and the reason he wasn't screaming in pain was because his throat was dry and he had coughed up some blood. His head was red and his veins were struggling to get out of his skin from the pressure, but he endured it. He knew that if he let go of concentrating on sustaining the formation, he would outright be pulling the plug on his only way to live.

So, he just sat there, cross legged, concentrating on strengthening his soul. But after a while, he noticed something. He was running out of juice! "God dangit!"