CH 24: Meeting Ann Again

A week after first creating the soul heart, Ran broke the stasis and slowly, very slowly, recovered his energy. Afterwards, it took another week to completely heal himself from his injured organs and wounds though his real heart did not come back. Strengthening his soul for two weeks straight had let the splitting headache reduce it's lethality and the next two weeks could be said to have been much better, but not by a longshot. Though he could tolerate the severe headache now, because, like any other person, Ran needed to sleep, he would inevitably lose his concentration and the soul heart would slowly dissipate within an hour. So he wakes up before an hour passes to maintain and sustain the construct before falling back asleep. Thus, the cycle repeats.

Sometimes I feel like I'm too hard on him… ah? I feel like I had said that sentence before. I mean, he can't even get a full rem cycle people! How does he even live!?

This induced chronic anxiety and insomnia in Ran as he was afraid he wouldn't be able to handle it and die in his sleep. Thankfully, that didn't happen… at least, I don't think it did. The bags under his eyes ended up enveloping the area around his eyes, creating a ring of darkness that even grew a little blue and purple. A stark contrast to his eyes as they seemed to be shinier and livier than ever before! This ordeal let Ran witness the miracle of life (and keeping it) as well as the hardship that comes with power. All in all, this three month long journey was worth it.

And during that time he even fought against Fluffy occasionally to increase his swordsmanship, the whole reason he came here in the first place. And when it was finally time to leave, he went to the second path and found the treasury, the place where he had gotten his pendant. At first he wanted to leave by going through the caves, but he realized just how many forks there are and the potential dangers could be potentially disastrous. What if the exit leads to a spiritual beasts' nest? He would really be done then. He can fight, but his headache would spike again and lead to a decrease in his power. And if he loses concentration his heart, all bets are off. So, he decided to use the same strategy he used on the Giant Snakehead.

Finding a nook, he placed a soul orb inside then summoned his sword. Throwing the other orb in the air, he slashed with his sword, transferring his energy through the orb and out the other one. Crack. A cracking noise was heard inside the pile of rocks that was the collapsed wall. He again slashed at it. This time, a small rock stumbled outside the pile. He kept slashing until eventually, crumble…

Panting, he looked at Fluffy and said, "See, look at how reliable I am! Haha, world, here I come!" Running outside the crumbled rocks, he accidentally tripped on one rock and stumbled to the floor; completely ruining his "reliable" image. Getting up, he completely ignored his stumbling over and looked around for something until he eventually found it. His bag! Somehow, by sheer "luck", his bag was perfectly fine and wasn't ruined by any animal or beast that might have come into the cave. "Phew, I had all my clothes in there. Now I don't need to wear these rags anymore. Oh yeah, my academy token is also in there." Indeed, after running into a wall and also running straight into a giant snake, as well as all the blood, his clothes were practically in ruins. 

One of his buttocks were completely exposed, allowing a cool breeze to infiltrate what must never be infiltrated! Feeling that same breeze, his legs shivered as he quickly changed clothes to a brand new set of pure white robes. Fluffy, on the hand, was quite saddened by the sight of his buttocks being covered. They were quite meaty, she thought.


After finishing the enchanting, Ran brought out another rank 5 beast core as payment. This was also way too much money, as shown by the smiths stunned look. "It's just a simple darkness spell, but if you insist…" and he proceeded to take it greedily. With this, I won't have to worry about materials for over a month! He thought. Dang, he's too shameless! Don't you know proper etiquette!? When someone gifts you something valuable, you reject it until they insist on you taking it. At which point, you solemnly take it with great difficulty and a guilty conscience!

"Have a nice day. How to see you again soon!" With that, Ran walked outside the shop with a jingle. He would have to wait until he got to the Academy to change clothes. Walking outside, he saw a sleeping Fluffy and lightly tapped her head. With the both of them out and about, they explored the city until they eventually reached the Academy. The Academy does allow for pets… I mean partners to stay. In fact, they even have a sort of sanctuary for them to stay in. Though not many have partners in the first place, so it is fairly empty. In fact, a lot of the beasts in there were actually mounts. Letting her go in he said, "I'll get you in the morning." While Fluffy followed Ran, she was still her own person, animal. The only reason she's following him in the first place is because he gave her fish and the fact that they stayed with each other for a bit. It wasn't that easy to gain full ownership… I mean loyalty from a beast, much least an independent feline like Fluffy. Yawning, she proceeded to lay down on some grass before eventually dozing off into dreamland.

Ran then returned to his room with his token in hand, only to find it empty. "Hmm. Where could Ann be?" He wondered. It was already evening, and would soon be night. He was feeling pretty home sick and hoped to meet up with her. However, upon seeing his bed, he immediately relaxed on it. His journey to power so far was already incredibly dangerous and, "just how much more dangerous will it get?" He can already be considered to be half human, half fish, sort of and he lost his heart! How can a human be a human without a heart!? He might as well be a jellyfish!

Focusing on his soul heart, he wondered what else he could do with this. Currently, it's the only thing keeping him living. Hearing the faint, and weird, heartbeat, it was loud enough for someone to hear it if they were standing next to him. "But I guess that's a question for another day." He dozed off to repeat the cycle all the way until morning.


The Academy… sigh. Though it's called the "Academy", it's really more of an institution than anything else. It's really just a place for people to learn while also simultaneously using its own people to further the agenda of the Conclave. It's actually pretty peaceful because everyone are adults instead of people who like to start petty squabbles… for the most part.

All in all, this place is pretty much just a placeholder for Rans coming adventures.


When he woke up for the last time, he yawned and knocked on Ann's room door. No response. Furrowing his brows, he got ready and quickly went to Bob's room. Knocking on the door, a snoozy, green skinned human appeared; blinking several times to get rid of any gunk in his eyes. Squinting, he saw a youth with a white sweater that covered his head. He couldn't see the face of this youth as all he could see was a black and obscuring mist that hovered inside the hood.

"Who are you?" While he was slightly suspicious seeing the white sweater, he still asked. "Brother, how could you have forgotten about me after only such a short period of time! Alas, seems I've wasted my time coming here." Sighing, Ran turned around to leave only to be stopped by a hand on his shoulder. The hand turned Ran around again and he was greeted by another hand forcefully tugging his hood down. Ran didn't stop him though. Smiling faintly, he looked at the spaced out Bob.

Seeing that lucious, curly, ginger hair. Those small, tuft, eyebrows. And those… eyes. Although they were slightly (way more than slightly, but okay) different than before, he would recognize those amber eyes anywhere. After all, those were the same eyes that didn't look at him like he was a beast. But rather, with curiosity. Knowing someone wanted to get to know him, it touched him right in his core. After all, he doesn't have much experience in the outside world as he grew up with his fellow tribesman and everyone he's met so far has only looked at him with fear and trepidation. As for those stronger than him, which allowed them to ignore his eyes, he didn't really like them as they only relied on their strength to overcome it. Thus, even with the short (like really short) time period in which they got to know each other, Ran had already left a lasting impression on Bob. 

Sighing, Bob said, "Do you even know how much trouble you got me in, brother? Now I'm banned from being in the king's throne room because they thought I was a creep for staying there when everyone had already left! Oh woe is me, I was just lost! Lost I say!" Tearing up, he looked at Ran with eyes full of blame. Pulling Ran into his room, Bob filled him in with everything that had happened.

"F**k! It's been three months!?" Ran looked incredulously at Bob. Being in a cave the entire time, he couldn't get a good sense of time. He only thought about a month or so had passed. 

"Lanx was being a d**k? Well, that's not really surprising." Ran was silly, but he wasn't stupid. He could already see the cruelness in Lanx's eyes when they first met. This guy had done something in the past for sure! Ran thought. Though it was probably best to remove himself from his "tutelage", Ran just couldn't act rashfully. He had to fully consider the consequences, if any, in removing himself from Lanx. If he did, it would basically be the same as quitting the Academy, which is something he didn't want to do currently. Though he definitely won't be staying there for much longer.

"Ann met the king? She's over there right now? Well then what are we waiting for, like let's get out of here Scoob-Bob." Like that, Ran and Bob went straight to the palace.


"Halt. Who goes there?" A guard at the entrance to the palace looked at the two hooded individuals cautiously. Who dares to dress so… so suspiciously near the presence of the king!? "We are friends of Ann, we came to visit her at the guest house." Ran responded. The guard eyed them for a moment before reporting the situation. A minute later, he came back. "Follow me."

Soon, they reached the guest house. Upon entering, what they saw had surprised them beyond belief. In the house, Ann was surrounded by male servants dropping grapes into her mouth! One of them was even massaging her feet! Was this even the same Ann they knew!? Coughing, Bob interrupted the party. "Ahem, sis-ter, you have a visitor." Spreading an arm, he presented a white hooded person to Ann.

Ann stopped her party and stared angrily at Bob. "Bobby, boy, you're such a party pooper. Can't you see I'm busy? Just send whoever they are off and tell them to come back another day-what!?" Looking at the white sweater, she immediately thought of someone. A shiver traveled up her back as her mouth continuously twitched. Suddenly, and abruptly, she kicked all the servants in front of her, sent them flying, and disappeared from her position. The next moment, she reappeared in front of Ran, peering straight into the darkness of Rans hood, though she couldn't see anything. Then it happened. Her nose twitched and her nostrils expanded to double their original size! Inhaling a whole bunch of air, her olfactory senses picked up a faint smell. A smell that was extremely familiar to her. After all, she's been reminiscing and even dreaming about this exact smell! And the person attached to this smell of course.

Her face turned red from being caught in such a promiscuous act. Turning around in indignation, refusing to acknowledge her own mistake, she said, "hmph, now you show up!? Nuh uh, you wish you could massage my feet dont you-" before she could finish her sentence, Ran took action.

Out of nowhere, Ran grabbed her by the neck and… what? What do you guys, the readers, think he did? A kiss? A hug maybe? Oh, maybe he patted her head and petted her soft hair? Of course not! Who do you guys think he is! Instead, he picked her up, by her neck, and slammed her to the ground!

Cough cough, dust flew everywhere as the whole mansion trembled in fear of being demolished. Bob looked down at the marble floor and it was all cracked with depressions. Certain parts were lifted apart from each other, creating cliffs if you will, that looked like something only a meteor would create if it hit the floor.


Dazed, Ann looked directly in front of her and saw a white figure that was fuzzy from all the dust. At this point, he had already removed his hood and looked directly at her. His eyes shined as it penetrated through the dust and reached her face. The shine from his eyes slightly (like very slightly) illuminated his face, but it was already enough to show Ann all of his glory.

Abruptly, she somersaulted backwards which scattered the dust and revealed both Ann and Rans figures; Bob was left getting hit by all the dust and started coughing and sneezing continuously. Ugh, don't worry about him folks, he's just doing this to get attention. Yep just attention-totally not because dust got into his lungs through his nose, definitely not because of that-just attention.

Ran smiled at her cheekily, while covering his mouth with his hand. Ann landed and immediately kneeled. "your Tiny Holiness, your back~" Ann looked up, saw his face, and instantly fell into a daze with her mouth wide open. My Gosh, who is this person!? He's much more handsome than I remember. She wondered if it was because it had been a long time since they had last seen each other. Though he clearly lost some weight, it only accentuated his looks even more!

Ran started laughing maniacally while jumping up and down in excitation with even a backflip every now and again. "Haha, yes! I won. I finally got you, yippee for me!" Bob, being his hype man, joined in as well. "Hipp hipp, hurray! Hipp hipp, hurray! Come on, one more time. Hipp hipp, hurray!"

Ann, being completely uninjured, patted her clothes to remove the dust and looked at both these fools jumping around with an incredulous face. Getting up, she glared at his Tiny Holiness, and said, "Fool!" With a guest of air, she disappeared again. She reappeared behind Ran and kicked him in his… ahem, buttocks. Feeling a pressure in his cheeks, he was suddenly pushed forward until he slammed head first into a nearby wall. Boom! The wall shattered and scattered into a million pieces, effectively turning into dust.

When the dust cleared, a figure was shown kneeling and coughing up multiple teeth with blood flowing along with it. His face in a matter of a few seconds, ballooned up like a swollen grape. Ann laughed at her revenge, but then grew worried. She had just ruined the most handsomest person she had ever seen. And it was her best friend! 

What has gotten into this woman! She's all over the place. One minute she misses him, the next, she's bashing his face in! Sigh… readers, beware of all women (within the story of course please don't do this at home)!

What happened next, however, sent shivers throughout Bob and Ann's body. Ran was suddenly covered in a white-pink fire. His teeth also burst aflame. Poof. With sparks and embers, his teeth slowly disappeared from the pool of blood and reappeared in his mouth. His cuts and bruises also sparked and slowly disappeared like ashes scattering into the wind. His face shrunk back to its original size.

Both of them looked at Ran with sparkling eyes at this scene. A guest of faint pink wind rumbled past them as an intense sakura smell penetrated their noses.

While still on fire (it's not real fire), he got up from his kneeling position, straightened his back, cracked his neck and looked at them intensely with his eyes.

He's back, boys, our Ran Ran is back!