CH 27: Ran Versus Queenie (Part 2)

Wait, why do I feel like I'm forgetting something? Oh right, Bob! He's there too. Guess I need to write his reaction as well, huh. Okay, well, hmm… I got it. Bob was… surprised too, I guess? Okay, there, I wrote about him. Now let's get back to the story.

After another encounter, Queenie's speed suddenly increased. She had decided to get a bit more serious since technically, they were in a deadlock; Ran can counter her, but he can't hurt her either. And it can be said that while Ran hadn't used any of his soul power because he was just using reflexes to react to her thrusts, she was using soul power to boost her speed; though it clearly wasn't anywhere near her full power.

Boom! Her speed more than doubled as she left an after image of herself in front of Ran before disappearing and initiating towards his back. What she didn't realize was that it had worked! For Ran, it appeared as if now there were two Queenies. Two blobs of red mist with connecting strands appeared to have flanked him from both sides!

Now, he had three choices. He knew one of them was an after image (an illusion), but not which one. Maybe she truly wanted to sneak up on him, or maybe it was just a bluff, a trick.

He's the MC! How is he supposed to make such an obvious and natural choice!? No, he's special! The chosen one!

Thus, his choice is always the most effective and ingenious method to get himself out of this predicament. Like any normal person, why choose such a boring way to deal with one or both Queenies when you can do neither!

How did he do that, you ask, dear readers? Of course, by stabbing himself!


Okay, okay, let me just stop here. Just as a reminder, Ran is not an M. I'm da one writing this! Wait… doesn't that mean that I'm an M!? NOOOOO! 

Sorry for this interlude. I just thought, thought I had to get rid of that from my chest! As the author, I cant have anyone making fun of our Ran Ran! Now, back to the story.


Just like that, Queenies after image poofed and the real one (which was actually in front of him), just stood there, gawking. This total change of events stunned her so much she couldn't maintain the illusion while simultaneously stopping her from finishing her sneak attack!

Haha, all's fair in love and war!

This time he stabbed himself in a less… lethal area. The leg. As for why he didn't do it on his right arm, which by the way wasn't anything, let's not talk about that.

But it was at this time that Ran saw an opportunity. Out of nowhere, he pulled off a somersault and directed his left leg towards her face! As a woman, the face was one of, if not, the most sacred area and should never be damaged! Her intuition immediately sprung into action and she raised her hands in protest, receiving the hit.

But it didn't just end there. It was a feint! He had put no power into that kick and instead had already moved his sword from his left to his right. He swung the spine of his sword and accurately hit her knee! A jarring pain overcame Queenie as her knee buckled and she kneeled. Her speed could no longer reach its peak and would be of no use to her anymore. But she wasn't the only one whose speed was damaged. Ran, this dumba**, actually stabbed his leg!

Hopping on one leg, it would at first glance, seem as if he was ready to box. However, this was far from the truth! He was currently a distance away from her and watched her every action. If she did something drastic, he would be able to react.

What happened next is what truly made this scene laughable. She got up and started hopping as well! And thus, let the rabbit fight commence!

Both of them started hopping towards each other, but Queenie still had the edge. Being a rank 7, her soul and body were much stronger than Rans and she moved twice as fast as him. Reaching him first, she brandished her rapier once again, but this time, the power behind the thrust increased tremendously! 

But he still managed to counter her attack! Having her stolen momentum made her stumble a bit but she stopped herself. However, the next second, she realized… she was flying in the air! Ran latched his sword to hers and flung her in the air before letting go. But now, she was a sitting duck. Immediately, he moved out and tried to strike her.

However, he forgot one thing. None of them had used their true abilities yet! A dim red glow emanated from her navel area as a sigil projected itself out into the world. Ran sensed something was amiss, withdrew his attack and stepped back. While falling, Queenie opened her mouth and spark flew out.

One spark. Two sparks. Many sparks! Many many sparks!

Swoosh! Raging flames came bellowing out of her mouth like a dragon as it threatened to scorch all of the courtyard into oblivion.

Rans brown hands glowed slightly as it reflected the light emanating from the flames. Stunned, he began twirling his hands and his sword began spinning at high speeds in an effort to divert the flames. Yet, something else happened entirely. Most of the flames simply… disappeared! The rest deflected to his left and right sides.

Yes Ran Ran, you must close shut the jaws of oblivion!

Frankly speaking, he didn't expect this to happen. Why did his sword suck all the energy like a complete tyrant? Well, according to my calculations (touches nonexistent glasses), when the sword comes into contact with something and begins to draw out the energy to absorb it, it has to bypass the entire body and basically invade the soul to do so! So when it has access to the energy directly, it can do its job a lot more effectively. This is it's true ability!

However, the remaining flames not only surrounded him, they continued out and made their way to both of the innocent bystanders. Ann pulled Bob and turned him sideways before carrying him like a briefcase and disappearing from the scene. Unfortunately, Ran didn't get the same treatment. The flames surrounded him before scorching his clothes. His left arm sleeve as well as parts of his chest turned into ash. some parts of his pants also got scorched.

Seeing his newly acquired, prestinely white, clothes get thrashed, he became infuriated! You dare to mess with me!? Look, my clothes have all turned brown and burnt from your stinky a** breath! Ran shouted in his mind. If there was one thing, one gosh damn thing, that can make him angry, it's having his clothes ruined! Never mess with a goofballs clothing!

By now, Queenie had already landed and continued breathing flames; unconcerned about Rans plight. However, the next second, she was left completely and utterly flabbergasted. My flames, my flames! She thought. Currently, she was breathing flames, but as soon as they came out of her mouth, poof, they disappeared. As if they entered into a void.

Except, we all know where they went. Rans hand glowed as he couldn't care less anymore and activated his own sigil. wait... oh s**t! Look behind you!

Queenie was stunned even more now because she felt a raging heat behind her. Looking behind her, she found pale pink flames marching towards her like a pack of wolves who found their prey. She was caught off guard, but that only further served Rans purpose.

Suddenly, a two inch hole appeared under her foot and she slipped to the ground. Completely defenseless, she wasn't able to put up a fight fast enough before the flames came over her. Ran stood on both legs as he looked coldly at her. After a second, he came out of his stupor and realized what he did. Immediately, he commanded the flames and they dissipated.

Queenie, luckily had some flame resistance so her skin was only slightly burned. But most importantly, her hair was burnt! And her eyebrows too! Oh gosh, not the hair! Somehow, her clothes were completely fine… hmm.

Running towards her, Ran was little concerned. Maybe he hurt her too badly. Reaching her, he didn't know that she was fine and asked her if she was fine.

"Oi, you good?" She didn't respond. She was too stunned at the sudden turn of events. This guy was just a bunch of surprises in human form! Seeing her blank face, Ran, instead, grew more worried. He offered her his hand and only then did she respond with her hand.

Propping her up, he snapped his finger and all of her injuries recovered. Her hair returned to normal as well. Only the ground around suffered more damage as it became more scorched and filled with some small pits.

Seeing her injuries fully heal, she regained her blank look and cast her gaze towards the man who did all this.

Aw s**t, did to mention, his hood was ruined too! Seeing his face, and those, those eyes, her face immediately became flushed. What the hell was this!? Who is this guy, why is he so cute!? She couldn't stop looking at him, and his… eyes. Gosh dammit, I made him too cute didnt I? This isn't even a harem story, why did I have to go overboard!?

"Uh-umm, t-thank you." She bowed for some reason and began twirling her feet against the ground in circles, all while staring at his eyes. Her brain was scrambled from his handsome eyes. It's said that one could see into one's soul if they looked into your eyes long enough. For humans at least, the eyes are one of the most important factors when telling and showing one's emotions.

"Ah, do I have something on my face?" Ran touched his face and realized his hood was burned into dust as well! Looking at his ruined clothes, he sighed. He would have to get them replaced tomorrow.

"Your Tiny Holiness, are you okay?" Ann and Bob suddenly reappeared, and seeing them coming, Queenie snapped out of it and resumed her cold persona.

"Yeah, just-just… my clothes! Wu, my sweater. Ann… I feel cold. A light, I can see a light." Ran shivered. "Noo! Don't go into the light!" Ann rushed towards him and slapped him in the face. "Fool! Didn't you bring another one?"

Snapping out of it, he thought for a second. Slamming his fist against his palm, a light bulb appeared above his head. He did bring another. Only this one did not have the spell of darkness attached.

"Yeah, I do have more clothes." And just like that, Ran started to strip in front of everyone. It had to be said that under the nourishment of his bloodline, his body had grown significantly stronger and had also fully recovered by now. His lean figure was a sight to behold and Queenie… how do I say it? She decided to never blink ever again, or she might miss this.

Ann had already seen everything there was to see (and I mean everything) and when they were kids, they often showered together. Not sexually though. I know what you're thinking, you dirty, pervy readers! How dare you think such dishonorable things! But of course, with puberty comes… hormones. But I'm not saying they did anything… untoward (wink wink). 

Bob, however, was a man! He couldn't bring himself to see such… heresy! But he couldn't take it off either! Haha, do you think I care what orientation you have, Bob!? If I want you to look, you shall look, muahahaha! All hail our Ranny boi!

Now, he was removing his pants as well. Bob could no longer hold it in and yelled, "BROTHER!" Please, oh gosh, please stop! My eyes, my eyes! Bob screamed inwardly.

"Ah? Oh brother, don't worry. I wore my undergarments today." He flashed a thumbs up towards Bob. That's not what I meant. Have you no shame!? Bob thought. He could only sigh and turn his head away. Bob, oh Bob, you forgot one thing. This Ran we're talking about here! He has every right to do what he is doing, as the MC, he can do anything! 

While his undergarments weren't burned to ash as well, it still shocked everyone!

That's because… it had heart prints on it! Everyone burst into laughter… and Ran even joined in as well! Oh what has this world come to!?