CH 72: Bob Comin' In Wit Da Clutch

The night sky tonight is splendid, don't you think?

The two stars have had their fill of showing off for today - finally giving the chance for others to set free their brilliance. And oh they will.

The starry above was magnificent; more beautiful than any man or woman. Its beauty was so significant, so much in fact, that the day was insignificant in comparison. When someone is feeling down, what do they do?

They look up at the night sky - it soothes them. They revel in its majesty. When in thought or out of plain curiosity, what do they do?

They turn their heads upwards; the day greets them enthusiastically, but they see the same thing everytime. They're bored, and only when night returns do they awe at what's above them.

They lose their way in the dark sky, but there is also the light sky to guide them to unfathomable lands. The stars - they are innumerable, so filled is the above that I'll apologize to both you and it right now.

Calling this a night sky is such a gross insult that I'm not even sure how to apologize.

This was not a night sky - it was too bright outside to warrant this term being used; it was just daytime going through a mood, being a dark blue.

And this was not just a starry sky either. it had transcended that under my descriptive words.

If you closed your eyes right now and looked up, what would you see? What would you imagine?

Well, what did you see? Did you see the same ol' sky that you see everyday? Or did you see a foreign sky, full of alien stars and constellations that excite you just by thinking of them?

Well, then I'd say good job but try again. Like I said, this was more than that. The mere words that you are reading and are going to read won't be able to fully convey the emotion of it all.

It was more. It was beyond otherworldly, it was galactic!


In fact, I should apologize again, the sky wasn't merely just dark. It was in fact, beyond colorful, the day was indeed insignificant in comparison.

The super clusters of super-clustered stars were not alone in this apparent darkness. Great plumes of hot gases streaked across the stars as it accompanied them. These nebulas came in all colors; red and yellows, oranges, blues, and purples too. Green nebulas were there as well.

Entire galaxies were intertwined in the sky.

And all of this beauty can be seen from one view on a singular planet. seeing this scenery, it's hard to imagine that such vibrancy can also be surrounded by such stark darkness.

Then again, only in darkness can light shine its brightest….

Facing the strong wind, Ann's clothing fluttered silently. While it was a maid outfit, it really only slightly resembled the typical stuff. I got to save her some face you know; if I just say it outright, what would people think of her?

But Ann didn't care for that, she only focused on what's ahead… or below in this case.

"You're hungry?" She looked at him curiously. Did this kid want to get fat? Eating so late at night, how irresponsible!

"I am now," he answered with a cheeky grin. He saw all those fish swimming in the water and a craving started swelling within him. Fish was beginning to taste better and better these past days.

"Hmm…" Ann put on a thoughtful expression before lifting her right arm above her head. While she didn't approve of such dangerous behavior, she wasn't really gonna reject it. Then again, now that she was awake, she was a little hungry herself.

"Hey Bob?"


"Mind stopping the ship real quick?"

"Sure." Without so much as a second thought, Bob completely stilled the cutter. It was better off this way since the ship won't make so much noise.

"Thanks…" the next moment, the bloodthirsty piranhas were ready to bite the ship to shreds. Though, of course, the shield was on so none of them could do a thing.

However, before they could even attempt to do anything, they were suddenly greeted by a horrifying aura. They looked up and realized they were looking at the sun…

Wait, the sun!?

Why was it white!?

They immediately fled. They weren't gonna deal with that s**t! They still had school homework to do! If their parents found them slacking off, let's just say they have... very powerful disciplinary measures to deal with them.

On the ship, Ann held her arm up. White runes crawled up her arm from her neck. Her armor started transforming after the runes sinked into her arm; a thin gauntlet appeared on her right arm that spread all the way to her shoulder.

Holes appeared on the gauntlet, as if to let it breathe, but that's not what is for. Instead, the holes shined brightly before white beams shot off of them!

They snaked their way forward like tentacles before coalescing above her hand.

Now, above her hand, a ball of white light floated silently. The light it emitted was exquisite; as the beams continued feeding into it, it quickly grew in size. In an instant, it ballooned to a diameter of ten meters.

The heat that came off the thing was…  explosive. Its rotation was slow and methodical, a sinister intention lay beneath.

Then with a toss of the hand, the great ball of light flew straight towards the bloodthirsty piranhas!

Feeling the intense heat coming from behind them, they wagged their tails even more fervently to escape. Alas, how could I allow them to live for another day? Their deaths are needed for the plot! It's inevitable!

When the ball of light touched the water, nay, even before they touched, the water started boiling and steam rose.

When it entered the water, an intense sound of water sizzling resounded, it was akin to a scream. However, when the ball neared the fleeing fish, it suddenly began shrinking rapidly.

By the time that it hit the collective of red, the ball of light had shrunk to merely a diameter of one meter.

The next second… BOOM!

Water blasted open and a huge wave swept the surroundings. The wave slammed onto the ship, pushing it to the side for several meters before easing down.

A couple seconds later, water fell from the sky followed by the scent of burnt fish. Plopping sounds could also be heard.

Looking at this scene, both Ran and Bob were shocked! One showed excitement while the other had dread plastered on his face.

"Ann, since when was you this powerful?" Ran inquired with a curious expression. He had never seen Ann fight to her fullest extent, so it was understandable to be surprised.

"Hmph, this is not even my final form!" She posed heroically, showing off her toned muscles from underneath her clothing. Ran flashed her a thumbs up before doing poses of his own.

Bob, on the other hand, kept frowning. That explosion… things weren't going to end so simple. Such a loud blast could easily attract all sorts of trouble. All the blood and scent of burnt flesh didn't help either.

Bob's hands started sweating the more he thought about it, his ears twitching non-stop. He rubbed them a little to calm them down before speaking up:


"Yeah?" The two turned their heads towards him, their bodies frozen in some pose.

"I… I think we should leave…" he mumbled quietly, as if not to wake anything up. He wiped his forehead as he sweated a little; his instincts were telling him something was not right. His ears weren't picking anything up either.

The two looked at each other for a second before nodding. By now, Ran had forgotten about eating these fish. Plus, they were all burnt entirely throughout anyway.

But, the chapter can't end like this; that would be too boring!

After all, danger is a spice of life!


Suddenly, before Bob can speed up the ship, multiple explosions burst forth behind them from beneath the ocean!

Everyone held their ears as a ringing buzz-like noise filled their heads. Bob, of course, had it worse off in comparison to the rest. However, he was more shocked than anything else!

How did he not hear them coming? He questioned himself, and he soon came to a conclusion. The enemy was at least multiple times stronger than him!

And sure enough, when the steam cleared up, five dark figures revealed themselves. The horrifying aura they emitted without care even made Ran a little nauseous as he perceived their bodies drenched in blood.

Their bodies were covered in all red scales and were extremely similar to those of the bloodthirsty piranhas that they had just dealt with. Their hands and feet were webbed and a spiny dorsal fin climbed up their backs.

Their human-like faces revealed a terrorized look as they saw all the burnt bodies… of their children.

Two were male and three were female.

And if it wasn't bad enough, their attention was soon caught by another scene just a bit ahead of them. There, another ship had halted and, to no one's surprise, their surroundings were also full of their children's corpses! Even more than the one right in front of them!

The five of them clenched their fishy fists so hard, their scales cracked and blood was seeping through their tight fingers.

Their teeth were clenched so tight that the grinding noises made everyone hold their ears again. They once again eyed their children, their INNOCENT children that absolutely did not just try to tear their ship apart and eat the main character for dinner! They did nothing wrong! It was just recess time and these little critters were hungry. They didn't have to die!

"You… you did all this?" One of them asked coldly. They already knew the answer, but they wanted to hear them say it. Say it straight to their face so that they can show no mercy!

However, out of everyone's expectations, the only thing to respond to this question was Bob pressing a button.

Immediately, the sails flapped vigorously and the cutter soared out of everyone's sight! The extreme force the ship put on the water pushed it back and it splashed all over the five figures.

OH MY GOD YES BOB! You're finally contributing to the plot; everyone, let's say thank you to Bob for doing something.

On three; one... two... three... thank you Bob!

The bloodthirsty piranhas: "..."

The other ship: "..."

Seeing Rans ship fleeing so fast into the distance, Queenie's jaw hung open. The next second, she touched a holographic button and her red sloop followed after Rans cutter.

The five bloodthirsty piranhas were shocked silent for a few seconds before they roared in indignance!

Were they gonna let these child killers get away!?

Of course not!

Thus, let the chase begin….