CH 75: Congratulations… Ann I

After about a minute, sensing no lingering threats, Ran finally breathed a sigh of relief and removed his control over his juice. With the removal of his will, the soul juice quickly turned to smoke and was lifted into the atmosphere, leaving behind a lingering aroma of sakura on the ship.

He rubbed his face to relax himself, only to discover the blood that was leaking from his eyes; how strange, he thought.

After all, what he did was not as easy as it seemed.

Yeah, at first glance, it was just the enormous amount of energy that needed to be fulfilled, which wasn't something someone at his rank could do. Mainly because it was an entire ship's surface area worth of energy, and that only left him with about a quarter left. At most, with this alone, he would feel a bit fatigued.

But that wasn't even the main issue. The really big one was to ensure that all of the energy didn't dissipate and be absorbed into the world. Think about it; imagine having to expand your consciousness to the size of a ship. Now things are getting more complicated.

Another way to put it would be that he had to multitask and make sure each square-inch didn't turn to smoke, each one being an individual task that takes up memory. It's surprising that his system didn't crash and in some ways, this was even harder to achieve than something like what Ann did.

But what Ran found strange was the fact that he didn't really feel anything. In almost every case, exertion of the conscious will have a consequence. Overexertion of it will have worse consequences; usually, it came in the form of headaches and physical harm. Blood was clearly leaking from his eye sockets, so he was indeed injured, but no pain? Why?

Like I said, overexertion on the mind will create stress, but that is purely in the mind and soul. The issue lays within the intimate connection between the body and soul.

Basically, when the mind experiences too much stress, pressure, or trauma, the body interprets that as itself being injured, when it isn't and basically hurts itself to reflect the soul.

That's why headaches happen, since all the connection and communication is located there.

Of course, the reason Ran didn't feel anything was because a certain tall figure had - almost unwillingly - helped him out. Luckily, Ran couldn't hear the extreme amount of profanities that spewed from their mouth yet, otherwise, he would shiver at the sheer intensity and vileness that was directed at him.

In fact, we have the perfect example right here; just look at her. After going over her extended limit, Ann was tired and needed rest both physically and mentally.

Speaking of which, Ran took care of both himself and Ann. Bob was tired as well and laid on some pillows, enjoying the oceanic atmosphere.

By the time Ann woke up from her slumber, the two suns were already above the horizon. But what's crazier was that when she woke up, she felt amazing.

When she looked behind her, she realized that while she was still outside, she was laying on a really big, black, pillow. It even came with an automated vibration system.

But when it looked back at her with it's big, black, eyes, it spooked her.

"Oh! It's just you Fluffy, thanks for letting me sleep on you; god that felt amazing… you have to let me do it again soon." She grabbed Fluffys head and rubbed it, activating Fluffys reflexes and causing her to lick her.

That's right! This fluffy bastard slept through the whole thing! When Ran went to put on some clothes and clean his and Ann's faces of the blood, he found her sleeping soundly where he had left her.

She was so lazy too; when he asked her to help Ann sleep better, cause it always worked for him and he didn't want to move her tired body to her bed, she just blinked at him with her big, round, eyeballs. Like, the fuck!?

Can't you just be a bro?

Alas, he underestimated her laziness. In the end, he had to drag her several hundred-pound self outside so that Ann could lay on her soft body. Of course, he gave her some fish to compensate, which instantly winned her over.

As for Ran, when he tried to sleep again that night, he wasn't transported to Pis' Patria as expected. Rather, he had a terrible and recurring nightmare of his home turning into a sea of molten glass as everyone's rotting corpses were on display for his eyes to devour. A kind of feast that would make anyone retch as their stomach contents emptied all over their current standing.

So, after all is said and done, he got no more sleep that night.

But once Ann woke up, any tiredness present on his person instantly dissipated and gosh I need to find another word for dissipation, it's getting ridiculous.

"Ann, you're finally awake; I was worried… that I'd have to cook today." He smiled as he couldn't resist taking her into his embrace gently.

She smiled and was delighted to hear such praise merely upon waking up.

After all, at first glance, the comment Ran made might seem pretty dense and rude; basically meaning the only value she has would be her cooking skills and her presence and existence alone hold no significance.

But, to her, this was basically a validation of her existence by the person she respects the most. So, of course Ran said it because he knew she would feel good if he was the one who said it.

However, validation from Ran might not be what she needs the most… if at all. Ran knew that too, but until he can find out what's truly going on with Ann, he can only play into her hands.

"Don't worry, your Tiny Holiness, I'm perfectly fine…" She was enjoying his body heat when he moved away from her, disgusted.

"What'd you call me?" He frowned at her with disappointment written on his face. There's no getting rid of that title is there, he contemplated to himself. He hated putting himself in a higher position over others, and that's exactly what this title does. Well, it's much more complicated than that, but Ran doesn't know about it.

"Oh, right, sorry-" she paused before continuing, "fool! Tch, you think I care what I call you? Not."

She directly kicked him onto the floor, her foot was firmly planted on his butt. She relished the feeling of his fleshy bottom being kneaded by her bare foot as she completely established dominance. She did some poses with him as her pedestal and the whole sight was quite silly.

The both of them enjoyed each other's company for a bit before stopping because Ran was yelping. He got up and rubbed his glowing red cheeks as he stared at her.

"Are you sure you're okay? You're more… forceful than usual."

"Of course! I feel better than okay, I feel amazing!" She flexed some of her muscles to show how "amazing" she felt.

Suddenly, like a clap of thunder, it dawned on her. "Right, how could I forget? Where's Bob?"

"Bob?" Ran questioned it in his mind for a bit before remembering that he had been helping the whole time! Yeah, he should go and express his thanks as well; and so he followed Ann to where Bob relaxed.

There, he could be seen with the same black robe on, as he laid on some pillows they kept around. Though they weren't as good as Fluffy, they make do.

Everytime they took a step, his pointed ears would twitch, but he never moved. Until, that was, the steps stopped right in front of him. Disturbed, he opened his eyes only to see a beautiful female standing right in front of him.

Immediately, he backed away and instantly retreated a few feet.

"Sis, w-what are you doing?" Bob was nervous. Why was a female standing so close to him just then?

However, she only bowed before saying, "thank you. Without you, I don't know if I would have lasted there till the end."

The response was heartfelt and full of respect, and more than anything else, it surprised Ran. What's all this then?

But Bob was relieved hearing her words.

"I only used my sigil's power to help you unlock the true fury inside you. I'm sorry, but it was the most I could do to help you in the face of adversity."

Obviously, his sigil is of the mental type, and focuses more on emotions than anything else. If he affected someone with fear, and they were weak enough, they would just run away. And if he affected them with happiness; just like what happened to Ran, if they were weak enough, they would even bother fighting back.

In this case, he used anger, or fury as he called it, on Ann. Thus, giving her the necessary boost to win her victory against the Bloodthirsty piranha.

And although Bob spoke with a stutter while in front of Ann, nonetheless, his noble visage as well as his exquisite tone of voice only added the regalness that surrounded him. Though, to some extent, it just made him appear more silly than anything else.

Of course, none of that changed the fact that he was beginning to sweat from Ann merely looking at him.

"However, are you absolutely sure that you're okay? Nothing… seems out of the ordinary to you?" He asked as his serpentine eyes couldn't  believe what he was witnessing.

"Ugh, why does everyone keep asking me if I'm fine? I'm absolutely fine…"

Indeed, her cheeks were rosy, her dark-brown eyes were still full of life, and energy was just bursting from her; what could possibly be wrong with her? Sure, she's merely more energetic than would otherwise be, but then, so what?

Then again, this is what friends are for - looking out for and taking care of each other through thick and thin - so she couldn't really get mad at them, even if they were acting a bit annoying right now.

Unfortunately for them all, and especially so for Ann, today was not going to be an ordinary day.

In the middle layer, within a city of snowy wonder laid a red palace. Fire blazed on pillars around it, regardless of the snow and chilly wind trying its hardest to snuff it out.

Inside the palace was the throne room and, indeed, someone was sitting on it.

The man sitting on the throne was a middle-aged, tall, and handsome man with no facial hair. His black hair was tied up into a ponytail.

The air was solemn, however, as his expression was completely serious. His eyes were fixed on the figure in front of him.

He had known this figure for many years; in fact, most influential people within the human world knew this figure… this man.

He was short, standing at around five-feet and two-inches, with quite a sturdy build. He was wearing a simple brown hoodie with a leather vest and pants. The hood covered most of his middle-aged face except for his scraggly beard and shining eyes.

His appearance was so normal it was almost suspicious… well, almost.

Currently, he had a paper in his hand and as he read the report written on it, the expression on his face darkened with each word. Eventually, when he was done reading, his hands involuntarily started shaking.

"Lordsly, is… is this all true?" He voice stammered a bit as he looked at the man on the throne.

"Sigh, unfortunately, yes. Everything the scout saw was recorded, though it's been a month. A few of them traveled through the city; of course, they didn't bother hiding their identities, or emblems for that matter. Their appearances were sketched and one of them matched your description of her. She was… beside them."

"So… she was with them? Freely?"

"That… appears to be the case. She was even carrying the Noon families emblem; the bright blue sun. Same as the rest of them." The man on the throne had a pained expression. He was feeling some stress on behalf of his friend here and knew it wasn't easy. Even beyond that considering the identities of one of the three families was involved.

"Listen, do you need a place to stay? I heard about… what happened to your home, I'm sorry." He didn't know what it feels like to lose something like that, but he could sympathize. He was also in charge of a city, whom he also thought of as his family, so he didn't know what he would feel if lost any amount of it. Let alone all of it…

Not to mention all these thoughts of home and family got him thinking about his own. His daughter should be returning soon, though he still had some doubts about the safety of her staying here again.

 He had sent his men after his son, but after the fighting caused an avalanche, there was no more sign of either his men or his son. The scouts he stationed there came back with nothing as well, so he supposed everything was over now. It only solicited a sigh from him now, he definitely didn't think things would escalate to such a point.

The other man, however, was silent. He cleared his mind after a second so as to not show weakness before waving Lordsly's words off.

"No need to worry about me, Lordsly, I don't need your pity. Now, if you'll excuse me, I'll return to my guest room; I need to collect my thoughts."

He scoffed, feeling almost disgusted by Lordsly's words. Would pity and warm words fix anything? Of course not! Then, why bother saying anything then? Just to serve as a reminder of what happened…

And now he has to deal with this too.

But don't worry, he'll get back at them… at them all.

But, he only got midway out of the room before he suddenly dropped to one knee, propping up an arm to stop himself from kneeling all the way.


He used his other hand to hold his head; the pounding on his head was intense but short lived, though all of it was from the feedback coming from his core.

"Torian! Are you okay?" Lordsly instantly arrived beside him as he held his shoulder, trying to help him get up.

"Don't touch me! I'm fine…" He got up and stubbornly walked away, no longer paying any attention to anything else.

Lordsly could only sigh as he watched Torian walk away, only returning to his duties once Torian reached his room.

Torian opened the door, walked to the bed, and sat on its pillowy mattress. At the moment, his demeanor was not the same as it was just a few moments ago. Instead, a genuine smile creeped up his face.

"I'm fine, but you're more than fine…" the smile on his face only grew more and more as the rune formation in his soul kept sending information to his core.

"Congratulations… Ann. You worked so - so hard - for this, and this day has been a long time coming. Hopefully, we'll meet again soon. And hopefully, I'll be able to apologize before this is all over."

"Eh? you're absolutely fine?"

Bob was flabbergasted by Ann's words, so much so he couldn't help but tilt his head as he contemplated.

"But, how can you be perfectly fine if you're screaming horrifically right now?" Bob rubbed his twitching ears to comfort them, but his words utterly confused the rest of them. Even Fluffy looked at Bob strangely.

"What? Me, screaming?" Ann was equally as confused as Bob, if not more so. She looked around, as if just making sure there wasn't someone else named Ann who was screaming terribly right now.

"Yes… well, it is your body; it is simply howling in agony. However, it is only getting louder with each passing second. And… it sounds quite painful, if I might add. So, again, tell me how you're okay?"

Again, Ann just didn't know what to say. She felt she was fine… oh wait.

Could it be… the youth serum; her fetal organ? She always keeps it on her, but if that's the case and her body is acting in this way, then that means…

Just the thought of it made Ann pale.

And like a chain reaction, with a simple buzz from her core, a terrifying sound rumbled throughout the ship, making everyone cover their ears.


Like thunder clapping amongst the clouds, her body shook intensely as the horrific cracking sounds reverberated across her whole being.

With each crack, her body shook more and more until she puked blood.

Her body hurt so much, it felt like she was being roasted in fire and picked apart to be eaten; no longer was she puking blood, rather, with the sound of ripping, her body bursted with spouts of blood leaking from everywhere. Feeling weak, her legs could not support her weight and she crashed to the floor of the ship.

Her fetal organ, youth serum, couldn't help either, so it just sat there. Not to mention it was the one suppressing the pain in the first place.

"Ann! What's happening? What's happening to you?"

Ran was flustered. He immediately tried to heal her with his sigil, but he quickly realized that nothing could be done. It didn't work!

The reason it didn't work for his sigil is the same reason it didn't work for her fetal organ.

This was something that couldn't be healed with these kinds of methods.

First and foremost, she has to want to heal first before something could be done.

"Don't worry, it's… finally time…" Ann cupped her bloodied hand on his cheek as she tried to comfort him.

Ran didn't quite understand at first, but he quickly came to a realization; there was only one answer after all.

"You mean…"

"That's right; after two years, I'm finally going to achieve rank-5…" she spoke slowly and appeared tired, but her smile was never brighter - for now at least.

Realizing that he could do nothing about the current situation, he could only take Ann's trembling hand into his own.

If nothing else, he would be there for her as this obviously was going to be very difficult for her.

Unfortunately, he's not going to realize it might be more difficult for him than it is for her until it is too late….