CH 108: Leaving The Laser Cannon

The tower shook vigorously, but it was stable. The cave was also quivering under this eruptive force, but the tempering from the river of soul juice had made it more solid than steel.

"Let's go!"

However, the group did not know any of this; they merely lost their balance under the rumbling. As they freaked out, they all quickly ran through the door, entering the darkness thereafter.

But no matter what, the shaking did not stop even as they looked lost in the darkness of this new room. However, it didn't last long as the lights slowly flicked on one by one.

Looking around, they were absolutely shocked.

The room was actually bigger in height than length or width. Significantly bigger.

Strands of runes ran along the walls and floor like pipes, glowing like a light blue. All the strands eventually led themselves to the center of the room, where a complex rune formation lay. It glowed lightly and blue embers occasionally floated away from it.

But everyone's attention wasn't on it, rather what was above it. And what they saw had sent tremors surging through their bodies.

Floating above the rune formation was a giant obelisk-like crystal. It's black body glittered as it reflected the light and it was tall enough to reach the top of the floor, of which had no ceiling.

Everyone gulped a mouthful of saliva as a familiarity swelled within them.

"Hey, d-doesn't this look like the crystal from… from…"

"The laser cannon?"


It was only now that the entirety of the game they had just played rushed back into their minds. They weren't completely convinced beforehand of the events the game portrayed, but now… Oof.

Of course, the reason they didn't recognize the tower at first was because it wasn't really the same, other than its overall cylindrical shape. Not to mention the six obelisks outside weren't part of the original, and the big crystal was hidden inside the laser cannon.

They stared unblinkingly at it for half-minute before an alarm started blaring within the laser cannon again.

This entire time, the tremors outside never stopped and it only got stronger and stronger, like it was getting closer.

The entire room was now lit up red and at the back of the room, a holographic screen popped up on its pedestal. It showed a yellow triangle with an exclamation point. 

And seeing as the situation seemed to be getting worse, the group quickly decided to approach the now more familiar screen.

Clicking on the triangle, a new screen popped.

There was the word "alert" in big red font, and it had a caption underneath.

"Warning! The receiver is currently on course to be completely destroyed! The teleportation gate will also close if nothing is done."

Under the text was an all blue animation. It showed the cannon at the bottom followed by what appeared to be solid ground above. then the surface and the sky. On the surface was a circular formation, on which were four tall structures. It then showed the formation being covered by something followed by its destruction. It then switched to a new screen where it displayed a rune formation with a simple figure of a human above it being crossed out with a red cross.

And now they had a choice.

They could, for some reason, stay and try to find another way out, and perhaps this screen could help. Though, no matter what, the front door was locked and the bridges connecting the cannon to the sides of the river were destroyed.

They could also take what appeared to be a rune formation for teleportation, an astounding concept for them, and leave before it was supposedly too late.

Which did they choose?

Um… is that even a question? Obviously, they dipped right on out of there!

They quickly stood on top of the rune formation, bunching up together due to the lack of space. Shirley, in the center, was carrying the toads like luggage while everyone else was practically hugging her pillar-like legs. Yet… Some felt less uncomfortable than others.

However, none of them considered the reason for such a rune formation to be here in the first place. Or the game as well for that matter.

And so, finally, after so many chapters, the group quickly got caught up in blue flames before disappearing from the space entirely, leaving the laser cannon to its own devices once again.

On the surface, the biting-cold wind rushed through everyone's bodies, momentarily stunning them as they observed their surroundings.

They were currently in a clearing of a forest made of white trees. These trees were, coicendentaily, the same that were used to make Rans own ship. Though, while their bodies were snow white, their leaves were dark green and spike-like.

And speaking of snow, the ground was covered in a few inches of it, though that was a normal amount since it snows almost daily.

But, just like the laser cannon had said, currently, they were in the center of the clearing, where four structures stood tall and firm. While they couldn't see it, the structures had runes connecting them together on the ground.

The next second, the rune formation turned red before disappearing under the snow once again. But all this was accompanied by such a quake that the rumbling itself made their ears hurt.

It was only until they looked behind them that they finally realized what had been happening.

In the not-so-far distance lay a mountain. It was a normal mountain, and it was covered in snow just like the rest of this land. However, at this moment, all the snow it held was currently tumbling downwards in a horrible avalanche. It was heading towards them, and it was really only a few seconds away from completely crushing their current spot.

The torrent carried with it a miserable air, and they all ran away from the clearing, but they only managed to get a few feet outside the clearing before it hit them.

At that point, seeing as how they would be unable to escape, Ann came to make a quick decision to erect a barrier to try and protect them. She was the most powerful there and her scorching light soul juice would surely help in that endeavor.

But this is where a surprise came in.

Just as they were going to have to defend themselves from the avalanche, the so-called receiver suddenly erected its own dome-like barrier!

As stunned and confused as they were, they couldn't help but collectively sigh in relief.

After all, that was literally thousands of pounds, at least, of compacted snow that was barreling towards them at a speed that would put Fluffy to shame.

But now, while under the dome the receiver made, the avalanche had collided heavily with it, making a solid clang sound. It then rolled off into the side, but it wasn't over yet. 

The sides didn't hit them as they were right in between them, and the sides would have to completely do a ninety degree angle to even touch them. Yet, the mountain had simply stored so much snow that it simply climbed on top of each other as it hit the dome, now cascading from above them.

Ann's own barrier was, however, able to handle it with quite a ease mind you. Her barrier was only a few kilometers thick, but it emitted enough heat to melt all the snow a hundred feet from her in a few seconds. Even the inside was quickly turning into a sauna as everyone began perspiring. So, that is to say that whenever part of the avalanche landed on them, it immediately flash-melted into vapor, completely ridding them of any danger besides dehydration.

The avalanche lasted another thirty seconds, continuing for a mile or two away from them, before slowly coming to a stop.

If not for Ann's barrier, which is practically a safe zone around them, they would be several feet under solid snow.

They finally let out another collective sigh of relief as they calmed themselves down from the passing of the impending doom.

But, it was now, when their heads cooled and normal thought processes came back did they notice something was wrong.

Looking at the dome that was quickly receding from the receiver, they questioned themselves.

Didn't the laser cannon say that it was going to be destroyed? That because of that, they wouldn't be able to teleport outside?

Why then…?

Did it lie to us?


You thought they would surely be safe now?

That this was the end of the chapter?

Silly reader, did you think that was the only trick up my sleeve?

Of course not!

Then why did I say all this?

Well, it was because in that very moment of contemplating his entire experience thus far, that Rans nose twitched.

And you know what that means? Yep, that someone didn't shower… I mean that invisible streams of blood wind flowed into his nostrils.

It was very thick as well, the thickest it had been so far, bigger than his own nostrils to be exact.

There, now the chapter is finished.

Bon appetit.