CH 136: The Lord of the Red Brick Road IV


Ran and the rest looked at each other while various thoughts circulated through their heads. After all, they all knew what the word meant, but what significance, if any, did it actually bring? What context could possibly link this word and everything else together?

In fact, the Lord himself didn't know fully either. He merely connected the possible fantastical nature of the events that occured when viewed from an outside perspective, to the fantastical events told by his good friend Torian, which he exclaimed were all anomalies.

This would then logically follow that whatever happened to Kingsley was probably an anomaly. But… Now what? Rather, so what? What does it mean to be an "anomaly"? Well, besides being the definition of an anomaly?

Moreover, Ran said that whatever happened to Kingsley could be connected to himself. And considering what had happened with the tower, could Ran be an anomaly? Well, surely just from the tower, it could be a possibility, but when his life in general is taken into account, wouldn't this be certain? Now, can multiple anomalies be connected to each other?

If yes, then wouldn't that suggest a single source for at least those two anomalies? Well, Kingsley already answered that with this so-called "Frank" person. If this was the case, then didn't everything just go in a circle? It's like getting an answer sheet for your exam, only for it to be in a different language.

With all of these thoughts roaming in the air, the Lord finally spoke again.

"So then… I presume you're his son?"

Considering that the Lord had mentioned his father to him last night, Ran knew he was speaking to him.

He got up from his kneeling position where he then bowed.

"Sire, my name is Ran and indeed, my father is Torian Share-bringer."

"Hmm, I wonder where he came up with such a name for you. Well, at least you're not as short as him."

Mmm, being stabbed twice by the Lord's words, Ran couldn't help but cringe despite giving it his all. Funnily enough, the reason he cringed was because he knew those words would hurt his father way more as he was more self-conscious about his height.

"Since you're here, then… Could you be looking for your father?"

"You could say that yes. Um, I was separated from my parents after…" and then he went silent for a moment.

"After I lost my home."

Though his tone was solemn, his gaze was resolute, and the Lord knew this very well. Torian had the exact same expression when he had first mentioned the destruction of the Holy City State. The Lord knew not of the feelings the remaining members of the Holy City State, including Ran's family, felt, but he could empathize and imagine himself in a similar position.

"Ran, your father was just here but a few weeks ago."

With further confirmation regarding his father's whereabouts, Ran was truly shocked by his timing.

"Sire, then, do you know where my father went?"

To this, the Lord shook his head.

"I don't know exactly where he went, but I do know this:"

"He went after your mother."

"My… mother?"

So, they were separated too, he thought. But the Lord didn't elaborate further, as the rest could be considered family matters.

"Yes. Oh! Well, there is one other thing. He did leave through the eastern gate, if my memory serves me well."

"To the east, huh…"

Dang, literally any other direction and it would have been easier to trangulate his position.

"So then Ran, as the Lord of this city, I hope you and your father can reconcile the injustice done upon you and your family."

No matter what, the Lord felt the need to voice his thoughts.

"I-I… thank you sire," Ran bowed slightly.

However, he continued.

"Sire, if I may—"


"There is one more thing:"

"I intend to solve the mysterious circumstance that caused your son to become… well…"

At that moment, the silence seemed to condense further, whatever that meant.

Furthermore, the Lord's eyebrows shot up, not expecting Ran's statement.

"I highly suggest you don't do that."

Though the Lord spoke calmly, it was as if he was commanding Ran at this moment. Normally, he wouldn't care so much about the deeds and actions of common folk; yet, Ran was not that, right? Not only did he not want another Kingsley running around, this person was the son of his good friend. He decided to stand up figuratively at this moment.

"You do know what will most probably happen, don't you?"

"I… understand. However, don't misunderstand. This is mostly for myself as I already find myself in a situation as potentially dangerous as his."

Indeed, with the realization that his name could be used as some sort of key, he already considered the implications. Rather, he was beginning to believe that his entire life was seemingly planned out, every action and reaction, tailored to reach the exact effect desired. Like all of his decisions eventually led to him entering the tower.

If he just stayed in the lower-layer, or if he simply rejected Shirley's little side quest, he would have never encountered it—yet he did. He also met Kingsley immediately upon leaving the tower. How many coincidences could he take before… realizing?

However, the Lord doesn't know to this extent, so he still advised otherwise.

"Why don't you find your father first? He's the most knowledgeable person that I know of, many times more so than myself. He should be able to help with whatever you're dealing with."

"I understand."

Indeed, why risk not only his own life, but his party's as well? Clearly, his opponents were getting stronger and stronger, and in fact, they were already stronger than him. If Ann weren't here, wouldn't he be dead or captured already?

Why play fetch with an owner who kicks and abuses you?

Maybe there wasn't a need to be so eager to fly head first into a brick wall. Yeah, maybe he should focus on training himself rather than trying to uncover the plotline and lore.

And so, Ran hung his head as he brooded over his thoughts.

But the Lord, seeing his expression, relented a little bit. He eyed a servant that was off to the side and they suddenly started speaking.

"The young Lord, at the time of his first departure, left through the western gate. He was tracked for two weeks before all traces of him disappeared within a ten mile radius of a potential ruin."

When the party heard this, they were confused. Didn't he just say that he should go to his father first?

The Lord was solemn after hearing the servants report. In the beginning, when they lost the tracks of his son, they had merely returned and hadn't discovered the ruins.

It was only after he came back already changed did he send another group to check the area he had originally disappeared in. If only he had acted sooner, he thought, but it was already too late. His son's funeral was already being planned on.

"If you're anything like your father, you won't take action until you have all the answers."

Oh, so he was only informing them so they could inform Ran's father. Unfortunately, Ran was not like his father in this case, but that didn't mean he was going to now barge into the ruins at this point.

Realizing this, Ran bowed slightly again and thanked the Lord.

Now, it appeared that all routes of conversation were exhausted.

"Alright, if there's nothing else… I'm famished."

He rubbed his growling belly and held his daughter as he was preparing to head into the dining hall.

However, at this moment, something unexpected happened.

Ran's body, which had been silent, started vibrating with an audible buzz.

Seeing this unnatural reaction, the dozen or so different servants all narrowed their eyes as they activated their sigils and aimed their abilities at Ran cautiously.