CH 139: Pridicus and Lordsley II

"Brother Pride, you mean, you also want to find my father!?"

Ran excitedly interjected, suddenly enthusiastic about his future prospects. By himself, it would be extremely difficult to track down his father; essentially, it would all boil down to whether they could just coincidentally bump into him in the middle of the street. But now, with the help of a rank-3 powerhouse, the chances have risen significantly.

"Ah, young Guardian, of course locating your father is of utmost importance, he holds the key to the prophecy. Without him, or if the key were to fall into the wrong hands and the prophecy comes to pass, the order of the world as we know it will change."

"Brother Pride you keep mentioning a prophecy, can you explain what it is and why it's so important?"

There were a few moments of silence that followed, until Pridicus responded with a sigh.

"Sorry to disappoint, young Guardian, but it isn't my place to recount the events of the past. Aye, only the current Guardian, your father, knows the full account and can explain it to you in its entirety."

"Oh," Ran remained silent for a few seconds before his eyes lit up.

"But… Lord, didn't you speak with father just a few weeks ago?"

Pridicus, hearing this, was suddenly excited about his future prospects.

"What? He's there right now!? I'll be there right away!"

Luckily, before Pridicus closed his communication stone, Lordsley stopped him.

"Hold on, don't misunderstand. I spoke to him a few weeks ago, but he left soon after."

"Okay… did he say where he was going?"

"Well no, but he did leave through our eastern gate."

Pridicus fell silent for a minute, his eyes moving as he recalled various pieces of information.



Ding ding ding!

"Well alright, I'm on that side as well! Say, you wouldn't know a place by the name of Nanwood, would you?"

"Yes, that's quite far from here on the north eastern side, correct?"

"Right, well I'm staying here for a bit as I convince the Queen here to join our side. She's quite stubborn but I'm sure I can… strike a deal with her."

Hmm… okay, but why was there an ominous pause like that?

The conversation continued on for a bit, though it was a bit more of small talk, that was until rudely interrupted by a servant.


Without knocking, a servant opened the door, hurrying into the room.

With a pale face and a body drenched in sweat, the servant exclaimed:

"My Lord, my apologies for the intrusion but we have a situation on our hands!"

The servant quickly knelt and explained himself. Luckily, the Lord was a more patient man and thus didn't immediately send the servant to their grave.

"T-the spirit storm my Lord, it has come… look!"

The servant pointed to the ceiling, and everyone suddenly noticed the frosty mist lingering around them. Only then did they also notice the significant drop in temperature.

Just as they were shocked by the change in the environment, a light from outside lit up the room to the point that everyone thought it was the middle of noon.

Then, following the light, a thunder so loud clapped that the palace itself began shaking!

"Uh… brother Pride?"

"Hmm? What's all that ruckus over there? Are you—"

"I'll talk to you again later."

Then, Ran shut down the communication stone.