
Chapter 3: Questions to be asked

A few months later~

Yi Lin's POV

It's weird, I mean totally weird. Ever since the first day of school, Jun Zhe and I have been really good friends and we always hang out together after school.

But I always feel as if there is somebody stalking us, I have a bad feeling that something bad will happen.

Sometimes I thought, that it might be just my imagination. But when I hang out with my another friend instead of Jun Zhe, I also get the same feeling. I wonder why.. Is it just a female institution?

I ask my mom about it and she said that female institution can't happen everyday, because if it did that means that there must be something that I did wrong to someone.

I thought about her wise words and wonder whom did I ever offended? I can't think of anybody except for Jewaye. But that can't be it right? Jewaye isn't that kind of person whom will be angry by a small little thing like me not knowing how to spell his name.

But now that I think about it, even I will also be angry about it. But I won't be angry about it that long... So what is going on..?

I tell my friend about it but she said that if it is true then I should investigate it but mostly shouldn't care about it, if it doesn't mean any harm to me.


Becuase curiosity kills the cat.

Well, I have got a lot questions to ask to that stalker. Like: Why do you keep following me? Did I do something wrong to you? Who are you really? What do you want to ask me? Or what do you want with me?

But basically it's all the same.. Haha

It's not funny isn't it? Sigh

Today, yet again I feel eyes is on me. I should have pulled Jun Zhe or maybe my another friend (whom I rarely hang out with and whom I forgot the name) together with me.

Stupidity. It's like I'm digging my own grave, luckily the stalker seems no harm as nothing has happened. I hurriedly went into the school and the feeling soon disappear once I saw Jewaye walk past me. I heave a relief and mumble, " Thank the god."

Wait a second! Why did that feeling disappear once he walk past me? I hurriedly go try out my experiment. If it works then I know who the stalker is..

I run ahead of him and stop, now walking in front of him however that feeling doesnt appear at all.

Strange. Maybe I'm wrong..

??? POV

HAHA she really is smart but too bad that the experiment doesn't work. Oh, I haven't seen her making that expression in ages. Literally for ages. Ah, now I have to go look at the others. Haha thanking the god! Yeah~ Hehe I can't believe she would thank me one day.

Yi Lin's Pov

It's wierd but I just shrugged it off as I saw Jewaye together with his other friends talking away while walking to the classroom.

Jewaye's POV

Lucky~ you havent notice. But I guess it's worth it. As I look at Jun Zhe whom is happily talking away.