
Chapter 5: Going home

Right after staying at the cafe for a few hours of eating cakes and studying.

Yi Lin and Jun Zhe decided to go home.

As if remembering what Yi Lin's father had said and the fact that Yi Lin isnt good with directions..

Jun Zhe offer to bring her home.

"Ok!" Yi Lin smile happily and start to walk to the right.

"Pff.." Jun Zhe trys to prevent his giggling coming too loud but failed as Yi Lin hears it and turns around, "What's wrong?"

"Your house is this way..." Jun Zhe said as he point to the other side while giggling.

"Oh~ right!" Yi Lin said nodding.

"But.. isnt your house this way?" She said as she pointed to the direction she was walking to.

"Eh?" Jun Zhe stands there dumbfounded

" I ask Da- I mean teacher about where you live.. since I dont have your number then at least I should know where you live right?"

She said while smiling

Though for Jun Zhe, She is just trying to fake smiling.

Jun Zhe's Pov

She is really worried about me afterall..

"Though, I always see you walking this way.. hehe" she fake smile again

"Here, lend me your phone!" I said as I reach out my hand

"Eh?" Is what she said but she still hold out her phone

"Here is my phone number! You can call anytime or even text message me." I said

"Eh? Is it okay to give me your phone number? I mean.. you didnt even give it to the school.." she said worriedly while her eyes sparkle of happiness

"Yep, you can tell me any problems about school also. So basically you can help the teachers to contact me!"

I said

"Right.." she stares at the phone smiling


I look at my phone

It's Yi Lin's number...

"Just to be sure... hehe" she smiles as I saw the message she send.

'Thanks by Yi Lin I love you chu'

Blushing madly right now as I saw Yi Lin quickly walk back to her own home in front of me.

A ttinge of sadness appears on Jun Zhe's face as he thought,

'She still hasnt notice yet.. right?

Afterall she thinks that we are best of friends..

And we are from two different worlds..

There is no way that the relationship I want will happen at all.'

"Sigh~" I muffeled out without noticing I did

"Whats wrong?" Yi Lin turns around as she was about to turn to the left corner

"Pff Your house is on the right corner." My sadness was immediatly covered when she talks and her actions too.

She always has a way to make people laugh when they are sad without knowing it does she?

"Eh really? I was pretty sure its this way.." she said as she pointed to the left pouting unconsiously as she continues, "Why do the people who contruct this place has to make it like a maze?"

Haha I'm not so sure.. Afterall I only copy the layout of this place back from reality.

After 30 minutes later~

"Finally! It seems Dad isnt home yet, do you want to have a cup of tea?" Yi Lin ask as she look towards me

I was about to say yes until..

"Beep.. beep!" Sound from my watch

"Guess not, I need to go back home now or else my mom will scold me for being late." I say as I turn towards the door

"Ok then.. Be safe on your way home. Bye!" Yi Lin say as she smile looking at me

"Thanks~" I say as I wave without looking back at all.

Normal Pov

As the door swung closed, Yi Lin immediately open the door and went outside to look around.

All she saw is an open road with nobody from both directions.

Her face shows no surprise but instead a sad look as she muttered to herself, " Going home huh..?" and she continues her sentence, "

From that time when you make a excuse to what you were busy about, I already have my suspicion but since we are 'best friends' I didnt say anything.

I already know that you have no family from my Dad about your family background details, so where does your 'Mom' comes from? How did you disappear into thin air in just a second? Jun Zhe.. what exactly are you hiding from me?"