
Oh Areum

When I got home, I pulled out my thin 1-inch bed mattress and laid it flat on the cement floor. I should be thankful that I at least have this tiny home and a mattress to sleep on, even if it was in the slums. I took out my blanket and pillow as I made my bed for the night. After everything was set, I went to clean myself and changed into a short and tank before crawling into bed.

But I couldn't sleep.

All I could think about was Hoseok. How did I end up looking exactly like his sister? And how did I get lucky to receive this kind of offer with him? First, it was Namjoon and now Hoseok. I knew it was wrong. I had to pretend to be someone else, but it's not any different than acting, right?

Who am I kidding? This is so wrong!

I sat up in bed and ran my fingers through my hair.

But I need the money.

It's been 2 hours now and I still haven't seen or heard anything about the contract from Hoseok.

Maybe he changed his mind?

Then I won't get the money?

Am I going to suffer for the rest of my life again?

I gripped my hair and let out a scream in frustration. I'm torn between money and my morals. I didn't want to lie, but Hoseok will give me the money that I have been so desperately working to get. My phone beeped and I immediately grabbed it to see that I got a text from Hoseok.

'Hi, Miss Areum, Can I get your address? I would like to drop off the contract and go over it with you quickly before we proceed any further?'

I bit my lip as I read the text over and over again.

Should I send him my address?

Or do I just delete it and pretend like I never saw it?

After a few minutes, I decided to send him my address and put my phone back down. I thought about it and I could still turn down his offer if I disagree with his terms. I just wanted to see what his terms and conditions are first. I got up to put on a hoodie and cleaned my tiny home as well as I can. I tied my hair up into a ponytail and then I sat and waited for Hoseok.

I finally heard a knock on my door 30 minutes later. Taking a deep breath, I got up and opened the door to see his smiling face. He was dressed casually and wasn't in his suit that I saw him in earlier. He had on round glasses, a grey sweater, along with black joggers. 

His looks, his fashion, everything was screaming 'boyfriend material' as I scanned him up and down, absorbing and drinking in every detail about him. I knew he was handsome when we chatted earlier, but damn. He just made me go breathless.

"Evening Miss Areum. It's nice to see you again."

His bright smile had caused my heart to skip a beat and his low chuckle made me realize that my mouth was left open in awe at how this handsome guy is standing at my door.

"Can I come in or are we doing this contract thing like this?" Hoseok grins at me playfully.

"I'm sorry Hoseok, come in," I moved aside to let him enter my home.

The smell of his cologne enters my nostrils as he walks by me and I was enticed by it. He even smells good. I closed the door and locked it before walking ahead of Hoseok, guiding him to my tiny little table in the middle of the room. I could see him taking glances around my home and I suddenly became very self-conscious. He was probably judging me and my little home.

He has to be rich if he could offer me $250,000 like it was nothing. We were of two different worlds and here he was, in my dirty home cause I looked like his sister who's deceased.

"My home is probably a thousand times smaller than yours, but it is still my home. Have a seat here and let's get on with the contract."

I sat down and crossed my legs as I wait for him to take a seat across from me. I didn't like this feeling that was growing inside of me. I didn't like how he observed my tiny home as though he's judging me like all those other guys that I've brought back home. I never cared too much about those one night stand's opinion cause I was planning to never see them ever again.

But Hoseok was different. I was going to see him again. Maybe even every day if I sign the contract tonight.

"I'm sorry Miss Areum. I didn't mean to make you feel offended. I like your home. It's small and cute, just like you," Hoseok said softly towards me before taking a seat.

I would totally be lying if I said that didn't make me blush. I cleared my throat and avoid his eyes as he beams happily at me. He laid the yellow envelope that held the contract on the table and he took out a pen from it along with the white paper contract.

"First things first, I'll need you to read over the entire contract and if you agree, sign it and I'll wire the money right after. Deal?"

I nod my head as I take the paper from him.

'Written contract between Jung Hoseok and Oh Areum.

I, Jung Hoseok, will be employing Oh Areum as my employee who will be receiving a sum of $250,000 to have her play the role of Jung Yoona, my sister who has unfortunately passed away. 


1. Oh Areum will now be called Jung Yoona.

2. Oh Areum will learn and do her best to pose as Jung Yoona.

3. Oh Areum will change her clothes and hair to look like Jung Yoona.

4. Oh Areum must play her part well to not be found out by Grandma or anyone else. (Jung Hoseok, Jung Hyun Suk, Jung Ja Yeon, Kim Namjoon, and Oh Areum are the only people who know about Jung Yoona's passing.)

5. Oh Areum's only job is to take care of Grandma and persuade her to get a heart transplant.

6. Oh Areum will receive another $250,000 as compensation when she completes her job.

7. I need you Miss Areum. Please help me save my Grandma.

If you agree to the terms, sign below.


X___Jung Hoseok___'

I looked up from the contract and met eyes with Hoseok. He smiles warmly at me and it made my heartbeat even faster. Before I knew it, he had brought his hands up and placed them gently over mine that was still gripping onto the contract.

"Now that you've read it, will you sign it? You're my only hope now."

My heart hasn't even calmed down yet and here he was being all kind and gentle with me. There weren't any terms in this contract that will backfire at me. There wasn't even a penalty written anywhere on this contract if any of the terms were broken.

"Why are you doing this Hoseok? How can you just give me $250,000 and offer to give me another $250,000 just like that?"

His orbs glisten as he calmly rubs circles onto the back of my hand.

"As I wrote in the terms, I need you Areum. My Grandma is in need of a heart transplant, but she is refusing to get one. Your only job is to convince my Grandma to get the operation and once she's healthy again, I'll break this contract between us and you'll receive the other $250,000 as a reward. You'll go back to being Oh Areum and my sister will finally be able to have a proper funeral. I don't know how else I could thank you for doing this for my family."

How could I turn down those sad eyes that were begging me? No matter how much I try to look at it in a bad way, I just saw the good. I'll be saving someone's life. I'll be acting to save a life. And I'll be able to get rid of my debt. I had made up my mind.

I shifted in my seat causing Hoseok to let go of my hand and I grabbed the pen on the table. The ink met the paper as my signature flowed across the empty line that was waiting for my name.

'X___Oh Areum___'

The moment I lift the pen off the paper, Hoseok's teary eyes were replaced with the biggest and brightest smile that I didn't think he could show. He slides the table aside along with the contract and the pen and before I knew it, I was being pulled into a warm hug.

"Thank you Miss Areum- ah, I should call you Yoona from now on, since you've signed. I've missed you Jung Yoona. I'll be a better brother to you and I'll protect you."

The brotherly hug that he gave me made me shivered. His hugs didn't feel like a brother's hug. I didn't like the way my heart was pounding away in my chest in his arms. He's my brother now. And I'm his sister.

"Hoseok Oppa..." I silently whispered to myself.

The hug broke after and I suddenly felt cold. But the smile on his face warmed my beating muscle. I locked gaze with his gleaming eyes before it fell upon his lips. Those lips and his smile is going to be the death of me.

Oh Areum, what have you done?

To Be Continue...