
Oh Areum

"Please don't remind me of him," his voice was filled with nothing but hatred.

My eyebrows furrowed in confusion cause clearly I had no clue who the hell he was talking about.

"Remind you of who?"

Hoseok let out a deep sigh. I could see the veins popping from his neck as he spoke the name out with venom.

"Min Yoongi..."

"No clue who he is."

"And we're going to keep it that way. Stay the hell away from him."

"How do I stay away from someone that I don't even know how he looks like?"

"Yoona please," Hoseok spoke out to me as if he was tired of repeating himself.

"Please stay away from Min Yoongi," The look in his eyes was exhaustion. It seemed he has repeated this conversation often to his own sister. Whoever this Min Yoongi was, Hoseok loathed him with a passion.

"Do you guys at least have a picture so that I know who to stay away from?"

Hoseok shakes his head and Namjoon follows his action.

"Well, you can't blame me if I run into him then. I don't know him and how he looks like. If he mistakes me as Yoona then that's both your fault."

"I pray that you will never run into him. I couldn't protect Yoona from him, but I'll protect you. I promise..."

And there goes my heart again for the nth time. How does one stop these feelings? I don't want to like him. I know I'm only setting myself up to get hurt if I don't keep these feelings down. I tried to ask any questions to get my head out of the gutter.

"Who is Min Yoon-"

"I don't want to talk about him," Hoseok cuts me off coldly.

"Don't ever meet him. Don't mention his name. Ever."

"Okay, chill Oppa. Damn, if this is what it's like to have a brother, I think I'm better off an only child."

Hoseok rolls his eyes at me before we got back on the subject of his family. We spent the rest of the day just going over anything that could help me. I even had to put on a fashion show for the two boys who rated my styles to see which was the closest to Yoona's preference.

Hoseok had ordered take-out for dinner since he didn't want me to cut myself again. After we ate, we went over all the people in Hoseok's family once more before the two boys finally left me alone in peace.

I was tired from all that memorization and I really didn't want to look at my phone or the TV anymore. I decided it was time for bed. I changed out of my clothes and took a shower before finally changing into my shorts and tank. Before I knew it, I had fallen fast asleep.


Jung Hoseok

"The guys want to hang out tonight. You down to go to my club?" Namjoon asks me the moment we stepped out onto the hotel parking ramp. I checked our group chat and saw that the guys had made plans to meet up later. I really didn't feel like drinking tonight so I turned down their offer.

"Nah, man. I'm good. I think I'm ready for bed."

"Alright, man. I'll see you tomorrow then."

Namjoon walks ahead to his car and soon drove off. I followed suit but instead of going home, I made a quick stop first. I had to see her before I went home. Every night, I made sure to visit her first before ending my day.

I parked my car and walked into the building. My steps soon slowed down when I arrived at my destination. I arrived, but I couldn't lift my head to meet her. Large tears brimmed waiting to fall any second on my lids. My voice cracked as I asked her one simple question.

"You understand me right?"

I finally lifted my head and saw her smile. She smiled so brightly in her picture and her urn that was filled with her ashes sat next to her smiling photo.

"Yoona-ah..." My voice broke as I sobbed my heart out.

"Please, P-please wait just a little longer for me Yoona. I-I'll place you in a better place to rest soon. I just- I need time..."

I sniffled and wiped away the never-ending tears.

"You understand why Oppa asked Areum for help, right? I know you love Grandma, but you don't want her to leave with you, do you? Let her stay with me Yoona."

After a while, I had calmed myself down from my breakdown. I looked at her photo and spoke my heart out to my dear sister.

"I wished you would have told me about your struggles. Those demons that hunted your nights, I would have bought you a dreamcatcher to chase away all those scary nightmares. I would have brought you back to Korea if I had known how much you were suffering alone. I'm sorry I couldn't protect you. I regret ever letting you meet him. I'm so sorry, my little sister. "


Oh Areum

Every day after it was the same routine. Hoseok would stop by the hotel and we would go over his family and cooking recipes that Yoona use to make for the family. A month must have gone by where I was just locked up in this hotel room and didn't go out anywhere. I learned more about Yoona's likes, dislikes, her favorite songs, her favorite food, who her friends were, and anything else that would help me.

I also noticed that my blonde hair was growing out and my roots needed a touch-up so I asked Hoseok if we could just dye my hair so I could just stick to my natural black hair. He agrees and we ended the night with a few more family stories that Hoseok shared with me about him and Yoona.

I've gotten closer to Hoseok Oppa within this past month. I would be lying if I said that my heart has fully gotten over Hoseok. I know now that Somi is his girlfriend. He has decided to keep me a secret from Somi as well because even she didn't know that Yoona had passed away. So that meant that I would need to act as Yoona around her too.

Morning arrives with the bright sun screaming at me to wake up, but I didn't want to move a muscle. This king-size bed was so damn comfy. Every piece of fabric was soft and so cuddly. I just wanted to lay down. Call me selfish, but damn, I would steal this bed and replace it with my crappy mattress and floor.

My phone beeps and I annoyingly got up to check it. It was a text message from Hoseok.

'Hey, sorry to bug you so early, but we should change your hair color today. Grandma's birthday is tomorrow and we need to get you ready to meet her. Let me know when you are up and are ready. I'll pick you up.'

'I'm up. I just need to shower and get ready. I should be done in about 45 mins.'

I toss my phone aside and got up to shower. After my shower, I blow-dried my hair to have it dry quicker. I moved towards the dresses that I hung up and choose a light blue flora dress that had a v neck. The dress was flared and it hung just above my knee. When I looked at myself in the mirror, I was taken aback by how I looked.

"Wow, clothes really do change a person."

I turned myself around to check out all angles of myself. I decided to not do anything to my hair since I was going to change it anyway so I just applied a light amount of makeup before I was done.

I paired my dress with a white open-toe sandal. I grabbed my phone and I was out the door. I went down the elevator and waited in the lobby for Hoseok.

"I'll be waiting for you in the lobby. Call me when you arrive and I'll come out the main door."

I sat down on a chair while I was waiting for Hoseok's call. I kept myself entertained by watching videos on Youtube. I was watching a variety show where there was 7 idol who was celebrating their 100th episodes. They were playing games and seemed to be having a lot of fun. One of the members oddly looked similar to Hoseok.

I was laughing at the 7 guys when Hoseok's name popped up, showing that he was calling me. I pick up right away and got up from my seat and started walking towards the door.

"I'm outside."

"Okay. I'm on my way. Where are you?"

"I see you."

*honk honk*

I turn to where the honking came from and I see Hoseok waving towards me. I hung up the phone and walked over to him. I opened up the passenger door and got in, closing the door right next to me.

"Good morning Hoseok Oppa," I greeted him while buckling myself into my seat. He didn't say anything to me so I turned to face him and he smiled warmly to me.

"You're really starting to look more and more like Yoona. I think we'll be able to convince Grandma tomorrow."

"Yeah, I hope so," I said while biting my lip. To say I wasn't nervous at all is a fucken lie. I've lived alone for 5 years. And tomorrow I was going to have to stay in a house full of strangers and pretend to be family.

I also really didn't want to disappoint Hoseok.

We arrived and as I was getting ready to sit in the hydraulic chair, Hoseok received a phone call from his parents. He stepped out for a bit before he came back and said that he had to leave. He promised to come back to pick me up after I was done, but I told him I could find my way back to the hotel fine.

"I'm really sorry Yoona. Oppa will make it up to you, okay?"

"It's okay Oppa. Just go."

He gave me a worried smile before finally turning around and left the salon.

After my hair session was complete, I took a cab back to the hotel. The cab drove past an area that caught my eye. It was a beautiful green meadow and next to the grassy land was a long river that seemed endless. It was located next to a park and while the park was filled with people, no one was near the river bank.

I had been stuck in the hotel for over a month now and tomorrow I was going to meet strangers who I was going to be calling family for a while. I needed air and time for myself so I asked the driver to take me to the park.

He made a U-turn and dropped me off. I paid for my fare and walked towards the riverbank.

I stood by the edge of the river. I ran my fingers through my freshly dyed black hair. The wind howling was the only sound that I could hear before closing both eyes. My arms automatically lifted from my sides as I take in the wind, letting it flow throughout my body and hair.

My peaceful thoughts were abruptly interrupted when I felt a firm grip on my wrist spinning me around to be met with a man. His pale face made his mint green hair stand out and his eyes were full of mixed emotions.

Shock, sadness, pain. And those brown eyes brimmed with large tears as they never left mine.

Before I could even ask what he was doing or who he was, his free hand had gripped the back of my neck and my head is being pulled forward. And then I felt his lips on mine.

My eye widens at the sudden kiss. His kiss was needy and aggressively harsh as if desperate and afraid to lose me. His hold on me was strong and I found myself slowly closing my eyes and unconsciously kissing him back for a second.

But he was a stranger. I didn't know him.

My eyes flutter open as I came back to reality. I forcefully pushed him away from me.


He inches closer to me and I moved back. He grabs me again and fear overtook me and I pulled away from his grip. I slapped him hard across the face when he tries to touch me again.

The impact of my hand on his cheeks was hard and it caused him to turn his head in the direction that I had slapped him. He didn't move an inch for a while and all I could hear from him was his breathing. It seems I had awakened a beast that was heavily breathing and growling, waiting to attack its prey.

Deciding it was time to leave, I turned around and made a run for it. I didn't know him. He could be a pervert or rapist for all I know.

Soon I was gripped mercilessly by my hair and it caused me to snap my head back. I ended up falling backward but my fall was saved by a hard chest. His free hand had gripped my jaw and locked me in place with my back against his chest.

I could feel him lowering his face next to mine. His grip on my hair and jaw tightens as I tried to break free, but he was too strong.

Am I going to get kidnapped by this man and tortured? Was this how I was going to die?

I waited for him to attack me, but instead, I hear his deep and hoarse voice whispering into my ear.

"You're not Jung Yoona. Who are you?"

To Be Continued...