III Seven Nation Army

Nathan kicked opened the door and rushed to stab the zombies head. When he did the zombie didn't move anymore and fell down .

"Guys the kill point is at the head!."yelled Nathan.

Everyone then started charging to the zombies and stabbing them in the head.

Caspian's tummy rumbled, he thought about going to the canteen but he knew there were loads of people going to go there so he planed to go to the second canteen.

He looked at Nathan and the others then ran into the back of an abandoned bathroom going up near the second canteen. Everyone didn't really like going there because of the high price and the arrogant vendor. But Caspian went there because of this place being isolated.

Caspian waited then ran to the teacher's nook were there are barely any clean seats. He looked at the second canteen if there are anyone there but seeing as there is no one but scattered foods he just walked slowly and took some chips, chocolates and drinks into his bag then as he was going to walk away a cry was heard he looked at the small fence being a small wall. Then he heard "Is anyone there p-please help me I-I was just going to get something but my colleagues left me."

Caspian saw that it was the arrogant vendor. He didn't know if he really wanted or had to help her because she has always been angry saying mean things but he knew he had to leave so he did, you would say he was a jerk but he always knew if he needed to do it or not but he left his money on the counter and ran away silently.

He then realized he got lost and was left alone not by his teammates but because of himself and so he thought 'well atleast have food and this is a small city I think I would see then again by bumping into them.

He got his NIA headphones on and connected it to his phone and played the music Seven Nation Army by The White Stripes.

Then he walked to the gate as Nathan and the others already cleared the way but he went out quickly as he saw some other zombies in the other canteen. It must be past students going to go and get food but one person got infected and infected the others.

You would say he was really stupid to part with Nathan and the others and he lowered his chance of survival and you're right he is stupid but he always passed he actually didn't know how he passed the entrance exam. He just pretty much just guessed bu I guess he still passed.

Some walking later...🚶🏻‍♂️🏃🏻‍♂️🚶🏻‍♂️🏃🏻‍♂️💦

'I'm tired' Caspian then climbed a tree and laid there but before he did he covered himself in leaves, turned his headphones off and looked at the sun setting down as he felt his eyelids go heavy.