Prologue (1)

Under the shining of stars, in the Shen Clan Manor, frightening groans and gasps could be heard throughout the restless night.

In a room lay the wife of the manor, Su Zhanghe who is currently deathly pale and gripping tightly on the sheets whilst the appointed maid helps deliver the child.

Outside of the room, the husband is anxiously waiting for the birth of the child, Shen Haoran who hopes will bring him a son.


Another set of screams and wails was heard, but these were much quieter and brought much relief to everyone and Su Zhanghe weakly held a pink and wrinkly newborn babe.

"Congratulations Madam, the heavens has decided to award you with a baby daughter!" The maid wiped the sweat of her brow and exclaimed cheerfully.

Su Zhanghe lovingly stared at her daughter, whom is currently nestled in between her arms.

She had tears in her eyes, a mix from pain and joy.

She knew her husband wanted a son, but she is happy nonetheless for a safe birth and to meet her new family.

The baby opened her eyes and stared in the direction of Zhanghe, but her face looked blank, no.. rather than her face, her eyes held no luster and wandered around aimlessly.

Upon seeing this, the madam had a look of horror and screamed pitifully just before fainting.

When the scream echoed outside the room, Shen Haoran paled instantly and barged through the door and rushed towards his beloved wife. He glanced at the maid and asked whilst gritting his teeth.

"What happened to my wife? To Zhang'er?"

The maid looked flustered and stammered "Ma-Madam fainted wh-when she-e saw my lady.." and then looked piteously at the child swaddled in her arms.

Haoran immediately looked towards his daughter with a gaze full of curiosity and bewilderment which very quickly turned into shock, whilst his already pale face became another sheet whiter.


My daughter is..



On a small hill lay a girl with a very delicate look, who seemed to be around 5-6 years upon first glance at her but she actually very recently became 7. She listened to the noises around her, the birds cheerily chirping and a mix of chattering and clamor within the nearby market, and then the nearby footsteps running along the paths.

Shen Zhengqiu, the only daughter of the declining Shens could hear and use her other senses to an extremely high degree that substitutes for her loss of sight. The people of Roaring River Town think she is a pitiful but adorable girl, as she always enthusiastically greets the people of the town but unfortunately she cannot see the world with her own eyes.

Lying comfortably on the soft grass, she heard very distinct shouting and her lips turned into an innocent smile, one full of joy.

"Qiu Qiu.." A small boy panted heavily as he ran up the small but steep hill. He was slightly smaller than Shen Zhengqiu, but he was chubby with black eyes that sparkled like jewels.

"Hu Hu?" Zhengqiu looked towards her younger brother whilst her nose twitched quite like a rabbit, as different people have different smells, and her younger brother smells like the morning at the river. But that smell was currently masked with mud and dumplings, a strange combination indeed. "What have you done now, Shen Hung?"

Shen Hung was bent over trying to catch his breath till he heard what his older sister said, he looked up with innocent eyes and squeaked out a few words "No-Nothing, Mama told me to come get you.." but unfortunately, innocent eyes don't work on Zhengqiu who is blind and relies on her instincts.

"You are lying! Tell Sister Qiu what has happened or I will tell father!" She opened her eyes, and stared towards her brother, this always works against her brother because her eyes look quite scary for a young child.

Sure enough, Shen Hung saw her eyes and shivered slightly and muttered under his breath "Qiu Qiu is scary.." but once he saw her still staring at him, with courage he sputtered out "I lost the coins Papa gave me~"

Every week, their Father gives them 3 copper coins each to go spend at the stalls in the town market. Although the town isn't that big and somewhat rural, the things sold at the stalls are always full of interesting things for children to play with. Shen Hung had saved his money for 5 weeks to buy something he really wanted at one of the stalls, a wooden sword used by kids for playing however when he got to the stall he found a hole in his pocket and only 2 copper coins left.

Therefore he ran to the small hill where his older sister usually is because he knows that although she cannot see, she is really smart and her other senses are really strong. He loves but is also scared of her, because she can tell when anyone is lying.

She looked towards her younger brother with a sigh, if he just stopped running around and being so careless he wouldn't have lost his money, again. She wonders why her parents still even lets him hold his own money, because he always ends up losing it but if she lost it she wouldn't be let off as easily. Although her parents love her but her Father always speaks with the smallest tinge of disgust which only someone like her can tell, but her Mother showers her with love and some pity. Pity that is deserved because in a world like this, being blind would be a massive hindrance, especially to wives who need to take care of their husbands.

Shen Zhengqiu would be engaged by now if she was a normal girl, but the rest of the townspeople doesn't wish to engage their sons with her even if they do pity her, because she would only drag them down. However, Zhengqiu is more of a free spirit and she is honestly happy that she wouldn't be tied down by a marriage. But who knows how life will treat her on her own, at least a husband could be her own eyes for her.

"Lets go tell Mother and Father, if you tell them yourself you will at least be in less trouble when you are honest" Shen Hung looked at his Sister's straight back and regained confidence, and clenched his fists vowing to protect her when he is old enough.