Time Flies (1)

Not long after the test which was ordered by Grandmaster Zhen, he had to go on an expedition to search for some fruit and the bandits would be responsible for the girls protection but if they touched them then the Grandmaster said he would cut them apart starting from their hands, their manhood and then their necks. Therefore the safety and protection of the girls is established quite well. Overall, inside the mountain the newly arrived girls brings the total to just below 60. There would have been more here but they were punished in various ways for being disobedient and being discovered trying to escape. Therefore the girls would rather not escape and maintain their chastity and lives.

Everyone is able to feed themselves plenty a day and do most of what they want as they are given access to the majority of the mountain, including the library but not the forbidden areas. One exception would be Shen Zhengqiu, who is allowed access to a few forbidden areas in the library and the Grandmaster's courtyard. She just assumed it was because of that test and how she got a strange result.

Another thing that Shen Zhengqiu noticed was that she somehow had the scroll meant for her dowry, but it did not even matter if she was blind or not as the scroll was completely blank. It did emit a Spiritual Aura but she could not figure out what was wrong with this scroll.


One day within the library Shen Zhengqiu was flipping through various books. It had been around a year since she arrived at the Bandit Mountain but overall her life has been really smooth and easygoing. She does get a tugging feel every now and then that feels like it is warning her of something but nothing has happened and she has begun to ignore this feeling as it is very distracting.

She has reached the Iron Martial Artist level within this year by relying on the [Heavenly Lotus Manual] and the [Foundational Lotus Arts]. She isn't as strong as what most male martial artists are, but she does feel that she is much more flexible and would be able to dodge attacks like a snake. However she doesn't know if this is fast or her progress is slow as she has nothing to compare it to, but she just assumes that she is somewhat faster as she does have the bloodline of a Spirit Demon. Speaking of her bloodline, it has become much stronger and purer as she practices the manual and arts and a result of that are some more memories which she would need to ask Ancestor Wu about the next time.

Flipping to the last part of the [Secret Techniques] book, the summary at the front of this section explained that this goes into detail about how clans pass techniques to their descendants and how to ensure the techniques are not obtained by anyone else. One such type of technique would be would be to pass down a seal within the family and if done correctly then only members within that family would be able to open it. However, that can be a bit risky as some people would be an expert in seals and be able to unlock it easily.

She flipped to the last page of the book which was titled [Bloodline Seals]. This worked in the same concept as the normal seals but you have to use your blood in order to unlock it, and only direct descendants of the blood used for the seal would be able to open it. Shen Zhengqiu was merely curious about things within the world of martial arts even though that she knows that she is only touching tip of a never-ending iceberg as there are a few memories within her head that have no information about at all. But when she saw the [Bloodline Seals] she had a very large hunch that is why the scroll is blank. As wouldn't it be a perfect reason to use this seal if you pass it through the generations of her maternal family?

Tidying the scattered books and papers back to their rightful places, she ran out of the library until she got to a room that was smaller than her previous one, but she only has to share it with one person now and it has everything the previous room has, so she didn't really mind. The girl who shares the room with her is called Lu Chunhua and although she suffered a similar fate like Shen Zhengqiu but you would never be able to tell. She is a small bubbly girl who is full of energy and refers to Shen Zhengqiu as 'Big Sister Qiu' even though she is only younger than her by a few days. Unfortunately for Lu Chunhua, after awakening the Spirit Demon bloodline Shen Zhengqiu has lost a lot of her emotions and is in a constant calm state of mind, but of course Shen Zhengqiu still indulges herself in this cute chipmunk from time to time as it is like a warm and living cuddly toy.


Not long after searching through the room she found the scroll given to her. She would have found it earlier but her along with Lu Chunhua are quite unresponsible which would be expected from young children, and thus areas of their room became unrecognisable. Shen Zhengqiu naturally knows that this is a problem but she would much rather laze around in the personal hot spring after doing some exercises. She first bit the tip of her finger which then squeezed out a drop of her blood, dripping on to the scroll. The cloudy white scroll started to stain red but then a strange situation happened, the blood was sucked towards the centre of the scroll and then spread out along the whole of the scroll.

In profound and elegant writing, the top of the scroll exuded an aura that seemed like it did not belong in the Mortal Realm, and wrote [9 Mystic Scores of the Flute]. Below this there were countless lines that were so small that you would find them unintelligible, however after staring at one section in order to understand it, the writing began to glow and after a blinding flash the contents of the scroll completely disappeared. Shen Zhengqiu realised what happened but her eyes were still wide and her mouth agape.

The contents of the [9 Mystic Scores of the Flute] imprinted into her mind and she can easily view whatever contents she wants as long as she focuses on it. However, what are a bunch of musical scores going to do for her? She isn't going to be some flower girl who entertains men with her music, she was truly baffled.