9 Heavenly Races

These Races will work on a bloodline and if they awaken it or not.

Dragon Race

This race possesses scales that can deflect a multitude of attacks, and large bodies that possess immense vitality. Depending on the type of dragon, they can be much stronger in certain elements than a human at the same cultivation level.

The Dragon Race does not necessarily mean every dragon is counted under this name. Mainly it is a part of the dragons who would be considered royalty or who have awakened a latent power in their bloodlines. Humans who awaken the bloodline would work slightly different than a Dragon who awakens it.

A dragon would always have the ability to stay in its current form and after reaching a certain realm they can then shapeshift into what they usually choose to be a human. Whereas a human who awakens a dragon bloodline has qualities similar to a dragon, but only if the human has immense talent and luck will they be able to take on a dragon form in the end.

Titan Race

Titan's look mostly like any other human but they are generally taller and bulkier, their strength can be determined by their height. They possess power that can be compared to a compressed volcano that erupts from their comparatively smaller bodies. They can have various abilities but their strongest known ability would be the transformation from their sizes of around a human into a mountain sized colossus.

If they so wished, they would most likely be able to rip a mountain out of the Earth and use it as a projectile.

Elementalist Race

The Elementalist Race has a unique affinity towards the elements, they can freely control them and are a race that can be noticed by their long ears and beautiful looks. They live deep within the nature and are known to have such an affinity towards the elements that they can form contracts with some element spirits. One known spirit is the one that resides within the world tree, the ruler of the Elementalists form a contract with this spirit.

(Yes, an Elf.. everyone loves elves though)

Light Race

The Light Race is made from the light of one of the 5 Ancient Gods from a whim and they have translucent appearances and at certain realms reach the speed of light. As said, they specialise in their speedy and crafty attacks. The bestowment from one of the 5 Ancient Gods grants them with a unique ability where they can blend in with light, much like a stealth in the sun.

The strongest individual that arose from this race had an ability where they could travel along the light. (NOTE: The light will get faster throughout the realms)

Soulweaver Race

The Soulweaver Race has command over souls and they are known for their curses and mental attacks. Unlike physical attacks that the rest of the races usually specialise in, they focus on mental techniques. These techniques are truly fearsome, they can send out waves they destroys a person's spirit or they can curse someone from a distant place that can attract beasts or even erode their life away.

Truly not a race that needs to be offended, but befriended. However they are usually strange, good luck getting on their good side.

True Demons

The True Demon Race is synonymous with destruction and are known to have the most powerful combat ability out of the 9 Heavenly Races. They are called the True Demon Race because in the various realms a lot of things are categorised as a demon, but when compared to this race they truly compare of an ant to an elephant. They rely on their physical techniques and berserk skills, and are usually a race that cultivates on the path of tempering their bodies.

Hit a rock with an egg and it it will break. Hit a mountain with a rock and it will break. Hit a True Demon with a mountain and it will break.

Egregore Race

The Egregore Race is a hive-mind like race that can combine their powers and defeat foes much stronger than them, they are also responsible for the destruction of the Ancient Universe. Sometimes they are considered within the forbidden races, but can be considered mild and so they are not. The strongest one within the race can pool powers of those underneath them and use it for themselves, and one individual thought it was smart enough to pool all of the power to help win the Ancient War.

Well, after the Ancient War there was no Ancient Universe. That was a result of them pooling power together. Idiot bug brains.

Estrella Race

The Estrella Race can harness the power of the stars and use it to quickly increase the cultivation speed, the stars are said to be their ancestors. This race would have the most high-level cultivators as using the stars to cultivate is significant. Some of the most powerful of this race can summon the stars and destroy whole continents with them.

A starry night is beautiful, unless you angered one of this race then expect some angry faces in the sky instead.

Spirit Demon Race

The Spirit Demon Race would be the equivalent of what humans have as a saintess, but instead it would be the True Demon Race. They possess a perfect constitution, usually a Pure Yin Constitution as the majority of them are females and have a mind perfectly clear for comprehension. They can vary with each inheritor, as some focus on different elements or some can focus on all. Only one person at a time can awaken this bloodline.

If you can find a good conversation with one of these then you should buy a lottery ticket, they possess close to zero EQ. (A side-effect of having clear minds for comprehension)