All I asked during the 15 hour flight back to Newport Municipal Airport was for a bit of peace and quiet. My brain, however, had other plans for me. I wonder who was going to be at the airport to greet me once I land? Will I adjust to life back home? It seemed like every thought in my mind was on hyperspeed; whizzing by at a million miles an hour.
After being deployed in Iraq for 549 days, I was more than ready to come home. Don't get me wrong, I love my role in the Army, but being in the middle of a humid and violent country gets a bit old after the first six months. My MOS with the U.S. Army was 18B, a special forces weapons sergeants. My job is to train and be proficient in numerous infantry weapons and tactics. My team and I go behind enemy lines to help ensure the missions success.
"Ladies and Gentlemen, we are an hour away from Newport, Oregon and are beginning to prepare for descent. At this time we do ask all electronic devices to be turned off" the intercom cackled with the voice of the captain. One hour until I stepped foot back onto the soil of America. I turned off my phone and closed my eyes, desperately hoping to catch at least 30 minutes of rest.
The plane's touchdown onto the runway jolted my body awake. On the bright side of things, I must have fallen asleep because I don't remember the descent at all.
"Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome to Newport, Oregon. The time is 5:45 PM and the temperature is a brisk 45 degrees Fahrenheit. To those staying in Newport, enjoy your stay, and for those passing through thank you for choosing to fly on Southwest. We would like to extend a heartfelt thanks to Sergeant Samantha Cahill and others coming home from deployment"
A round of applause roared through the cabin. Not going to lie, this type of acknowledgment for the sacrifices I have had to make over the years makes me tear up every time. I didn't join the Army for the perks, I did it because I truly believe in the Army values, but it is refreshing to see support.
As a gesture of good will, everyone on the plane stood and allowed those in uniform to exit the plane first. My eyes once again became misty at the kindness these strangers were showing. With each step closer to the exit, my heart pounded with both nervousness and excitement. Before I knew it, my boot stepped onto the carpet of the jetbridge. My first step on American land again. A nervous breath I didn't know I was holding escaped my lips. I felt safe once more in the country I defend.
Once I exited, I heard cheering from all sides of me. My first instinct was to get away from the loud noise and find cover; instead I looked around me to find the source of the noise. The culprit was a gathering of people holding signs that read things like "Welcome home Soldier", "I've waited 549 days to kiss you", and a slew of other touching welcome home signs. Loved ones ran forward to greet their Soldiers and I couldn't help but smile at the affectionate gestures unfolding before me.
"Major Cahill... Major Cahill," I heard a voice exclaim from somewhere to the side of the main crowd.
No way, I thought, I know that voice, but it can't be her. She wouldn't be here.
Squinting my eyes, I strained to see who the mystery voice belonged to. I couldn't believe my eyes, it was her. Skyler Martin.
Time stood still. Al I could do was stare at the girl in front of me; the same girl who broke my heart all those years ago. I couldn't help but think she looked astounding. Her blonde hair cascaded down her back and she still had that flawless, natural tan that made her skin glow. Meeting her eyes, those same eyes that captured my heart. After what seemed a lifetime,I found my voice.
"What are you doing here? Where is my family?"
That came out a bit harsher than I intended. She hesitated a moment before answering seemingly taken aback by my tone.
"A couple years back I went to see you to apologize for what happened between us. Your mom answered the door and told me you joined the Army right out of high school. Not going to lie, I was upset you didn't tell me, but I can see why you didn't. From that day on, every weekend I would visit with your family and catch up. Once I found out you were coming home, I jumped on the opportunity to come pick you up. I missed you."
Now it was my turn to be taken aback. I missed her too. But the past can't be changed; even though I desperately wished I could change it. For the second time today emotions filled my mind at the speed of light. I was touched at that little speech she gave. My emotions confused me and it didn't help that with less than an hour of sleep my mind was hazy. Honored that she remembered me. Hurt at the events of high school, even if it had been six years. I forever would desire to redo high school; but those memories shaped me into who I am today.
"Thank you for coming to pick me up," I said sincerely as I headed to baggage claim, "it is nice to see you again after all this time."
Maybe on the ride home I can get closure on the events that I thought about every day since high school.