Skyler's POV
I honestly didn't expect Samantha to say yes to a little impromptu food date...err... if you can call it that. I am glad that she is giving me another chance- although I probably didn't deserve one. What I did to her in high school was despicable and I am 100% ashamed of it. Seeing the look of heartbreak on her face was not worth the stupid dare. I thought after that day I would never see her again, so needless to say I was speechless. This chance was the perfect opportunity to makes things right if I could.
She was surprised when I ordered her favorite drink; like she didn't expect me to know it. Of course I knew it. Many of our dates consisted of late night talks in this cafe. In fact, our first kiss was here. Well, not at this exact one, but you get the point.
As we sat to wait for our drinks, I couldn't help but stare at her beauty. It left me in awe. That sounds terribly cliche, so allow me to elaborate. Yes, she is extremely beautiful with her bright eyes and toned body. However, I was more in awe of her internal beauty. Her kindness, sense of loyalty, and her strength. After every shitty thing that has happened to her, she pushed on despite the odds. I find that extremely attractive.
"Why?" Samantha questioned after our drinks arrived.
I had a feeling I knew what she was asking, and I definitely wasn't ready for this conversation. Sighing, I took a few moments to choose my words very carefully. The last thing I wanted to do was hurt her again. I know how hard it is to relive memories.
"Back in high school, I admit, I wasn't the best person to you. I didn't exactly have a exact reason for why I did what I did to you; I was scared and trying to figure myself out. The day we started dating was the best day of my life. I was so happy. Then people started to whisper things. Calling me names and I couldn't take that. As you remember, Joshua was close friends with us. He comforted me during the times people treated me like shit. One day we were hanging out by the soccer fields and he kissed me. I wasn't expecting it, but I was so overwhelmed with everything that I kissed him back. The last thing I expected was for you to see. I guess the answer to your question would be because I didn't know myself enough to be confident"
By the time I was done, tears were trailing down my cheek. I didn't mean to cry, it just tore my heart in half remembering that. Looking over, I saw she was tearing up as well; that broke my heart even more. I truly had no words for the amount of pain I caused. I wish I could take it all back.
For the longest time nothing was said. We were both lost in our thoughts. I wanted so desperately to reach over and touch her hand for a sense of comfort, but I knew that would be crossing a line. Sammie just stared at a blank space above me, the narrow crease on her forehead present. I knew she was deep in thought, so I took my leave and excused myself to the restroom.
The bathroom was simple and quaint. The wallpaper was a nice robin's egg blue, and small accessories adorned the counter. Polaroid pictures were taped randomly to the mirror; obviously they were photos of the many customers that walked through the doors. The pictures were a nice touch; it added the mystique of being intertwined in someone else's journey by coming to the same place. As I was washing my hands, I noticed one of the pictures was of Sammie. She was in her BDU's, which meant she was probably just getting home or on her way to base or something. In scribbly handwriting that I immediately knew was Sammie's was June 2014.. BCT Grad. Quickly doing the math in my head, I realized Sammie must have left for the Army right after high school graduation. With a pang of sadness in my heart, I walked back out to the dining room. Low and behold, Samantha Cahill was gone from her chair; only a 20 dollar bill where her drink was. I looked towards the window to see if I could find her. All I could think about was what I could have done to keep her mine all those years ago.
Sammie's POV
I will admit, I probably shouldn't have walked out on her like that. In my defense, I was hurt. Weak defense, but it was true. I thought I could handle it, apparently not. It was too much to think about. I didn't stop to catch my breath from walking out so fast until I was standing beside my trusty motorcycle. I had every intent to just put on my helmet and drive off without a glance back. But my guilty conscience told me to look back one last time, so that is exactly what my moronic self did. As my luck would have it, Skyler was staring right at me. I saw her crying, and that broke my heart. I never wanted to see her upset. I was walking a fine like between hurting myself or hurting her; honestly I didn't know which was the better option.
I was weighing my options, should I leave or should I go back in there, when my phone rang. My caller I.D. told me it was my mom. Declining the call, I decided to surprise my parents at home. My mind was made up for me. I sent a quick thank you up to whatever guardian angel made that decision for me and hopped on my bike. I let the engine idly warm up and then sped out of the parking lot. I would deal with Skyler and that drama another time.