Look, a plane!

Imperial Dragon City, a private room in the Cuixiang Pavilion restaurant.

All the higher-ups from the Canaan Corporation were here.

"He refused!"

Canaan frowned as she looked at Jiang Feng on her Friend List.

"How could he do that?! He said that he would join our guild! How can he go back against his own words?" Han Qianqian said angrily.

"That's right. As a veteran, his words mean nothing?!" said another higherup who was similarly angry.

Hearing the complaints from those around her, Canaan held her fist tightly. She said nothing as she looked out to the window.

She originally thought that with Jiang Feng joining her, her guild's power would become stronger. And that she had a better chance at winning the bet with Situ Hao.

But now that Jiang Feng had refused her invitation, that meant that he no longer wanted to join their guild. This meant that they had lost an elite.