Dragon Ball

'100,000gp? Give me a 50% discount?'

The boss's price shocked Jiang Feng to the core.

At this juncture, most of the players' gp had been sold to those that wanted to build up their guilds.

They didn't have enough gp themselves. Even if some rich guy were to collect the gp, it would be impossible to gather 100,000gp within two or three days.

Not to mention that currently, 1 gp in the black market was equal to 100 RMB. So, 100,000gp was 1 million yuan. Who would spend so much money just for a quest? Unless you were being stupid or you were so rich you have nowhere to spend your money.

That being said, the boss did give him a lot of face by directly reducing the price by 50,000gp. This made him feel like he had face in front of Canaan.

"Boss, then do you know the Red Sun Sword was sold?" Jiang Feng then asked about another condition to take the quest.