Guild-Building Order

The first floor of the Cave of the Undead contained Level 15 monsters.

At this time, most of the players had already reached Level 20. There weren't many players on the first level. Only some parties had passed the first level to get to the second level.

Once he had reached close to the Cave of the Undead, he did not enter it immediately. Once there wasn't anyone, he used Blink and blinked to the portal. He then took out the key to the fourth floor and used it to enter the fourth floor.

As soon as he entered the fourth floor, he encountered a group of armor-wearing skeleton soldiers.

Skeleton Soldiers: Level 30 Monster

HP: 100,000

Attack: 1,200 ~ 1,300

Defense: 800

Skills: Dash, deals 120% of base damage to an enemy.

"Come out!"

He took out the Qiankun Gourd and let out Yanhu, Heifeng, and the Thunderclap Mantis.