Besieged (Part 1)

One stretch of the ocean near the Ancient City of the Shifter Emperor were all ships. On the ships were countless players.

The players all came from different guilds.

While the number of players had only reached 300,000, there were still many players at the shore, standing by.

To them, attacking the Ancient City wasn't too difficult.

As the siege has a duration of 24 hours. The monsters that guarded the Ancient City could not be revived. They could easily destroy the Ancient City by simply using their advantage in numbers.

That was why most players did not treat the Ancient City of the Shifter Emperor as something that they needed to treat seriously.

In one of the giant ships that could carry 2,000 players, the flag of Canaan Guild fluttered in the winds.

Han Qianqian walked toward Canaan, who was on the deck and asked, "The Siege will begin soon. Should we set sail?"