
Ancient City of the Shifter Emperor, Central Statue.

Yue Lao stood next to the Shifter Emperor's statue. With a wave of his hand, a small stage had appeared. And on the stage, the word "Xi" was written on it. The word "Xi" was also the Chinese word for happiness.

With a wave of his hand, a chair appeared in front of him. He took a seat and played with the red thread and mud dolls in his hands.

When the players heard that Yue Lao had settled in the Ancient City of the Shifter Emperor, they all came over and asked about getting married.

In just a short while, Yue Lao's surroundings were filled with players.

Jiang Feng, who was standing at the Shifter Emperor's Palace looked at the number of online players through the city management panel. As he saw the number climbing steadily, he smiled. This was the outcome that he was looking for.