Do You Know How Expensive that Arrow was?

Shifter Sealing Tower, Fifth Level.

Around fifty players had gathered in front of Jiang Feng, led by Fa Kuang.

They all took out their weapons and attacked Jiang Feng, who was being bound by the Shifter Binding Lasso.





But they were shocked when they realized they could not even break through his defense.

Even if they could cause some damage, it was because they had used skills that dealt fixed damage.

Jiang Feng's three current stats were:

HPs: 263,000

Attack: 41,080

Defense: 17,452

For those that had not reached level 50 and changed their class the third time and did not have good equipment, their attacks would most likely hover around 10,000. It was not enough to pierce through his defense.


While the players' attacks could not break his defense, he could still feel the full effects of each attack. And their attacks were excruciatingly painful.