Surge of the Turquoise Tide

Riverbed of the Robin River.

Jiang Feng had shrunk his body and did not dare to move when he was next to the Frost Dragon, fearing that he would awaken it.

As he floated in the water, he stared at the Donghuang Bell fragment that was on the Frost Dragon. His mind kept on calculating the steps that he needed to take to steal the Donghuang Bell fragment.

Perhaps, he could try using Transmute Monster to fuse with it. What if he got lucky.

As the thought crossed his mind, he felt that he could give it a try.

"Huff… I shouldn't be too fearful of this. Let's do it!"

He took a deep breath then Blinked forward, and appeared where the Donghuang Bell fragment was at.

"Sky-Stealing Hand!"

Next, he wore the Sky-Stealing Hand and took out the Ruler of Hakai, then he extended his dragon claw, grabbed the Donghuang Bell fragment, and pulled it outward.