Here I Come!

Five Fingers Mountain.

Jiang Feng, Yan Chixia, Xiao Longnu, Violetglow were fighting the Four Great Arhats together.

The eight of them could not decide on the victors so soon.

The Arhat that fought Jiang Feng was at a disadvantage and had already had its HP fallen by half.

He could kill it with another wave of crowd-control skills from his followers.

Perhaps they were too concentrated on fighting them, no one saw the semi-transparent monkey that jumped out of the Shifter Sealing Rock.

The semi-transparent monkey's sight shifted from Jiang Feng to Violetglow, who was fighting with a violet sword.

"It's great to see you again. You have been watching over me for ten-thousand years."

When the little monkey looked at Violetglow, his eyes were filled with regret.


"Beast, die!"