You Are Playing With Fire

Shen Ye had been reduced to level 0 by Jiang Feng a second time.

Not to mention his city had been in level 1 since then, and his guild lost a lot of capital as well.

His hate and resentment toward Jiang Feng became even deeper and had progressed into something extremely vile.

If he could, he even wanted to hack Jiang Feng into thousands of pieces.

Once he knew that Jiang Feng had allowed his followers to recruit other bosses, he then led a group of elites to hunt down Jiang Feng's followers.

Up to this point in time, twelve of Jiang Feng's followers had died in their hands and had given them many pieces of equipment.

The Myth Group had already lost two-thirds of its members and the guild had lost a large amount of money. Shen Ye had already lost around 30,000,000 and no investors wanted to work with him anymore.

It could be said that he had already lost everything.