Recruiting Xing Kui

Jiang Feng repositioned himself next to Xing Kui and slammed his Jingu Staff at him.


Xing Kui held his ax horizontally and blocked Jiang Feng's attack.

While he managed to block Jiang Feng's attack, he had to take a few steps back.

Jiang Feng looked at Xing Kui and his bulky physique, then asked coldly, "I don't understand. What did Shen Ye offer you to the point where you are willing to die for him?"

Xing Kui then said, "He has one of the most important items to the Witchers. He also promised to give me 200,000 every month and the post of the Myth Group's assistant guild leader. I will also be given shares of their monthly profit."

Once he heard Xing Kui's answer, Jiang Feng was slightly speechless as he realized his simple-mindedness.

Jiang Feng then asked, "With your current abilities, is it that difficult to earn money?"