
Nuwa Rock: Primordial Divine Artifact

Introduction: The two Nuwa Rocks that fell when she was repairing the Heavens. One had become Sun Wukong's body, and another buried underneath the Nuwa Ruins of the Old City of Loulan.

Destiny +50

Stats: Can be used to create all things, and bestow indestructibility on items that it created.


There were very few attributes on the whole Nuwo Rock. Instead, it could be said that it had no other attributes. However, Jiang Feng felt that the words "Create All Things" were so powerful that it almost made him choke.

Grandmaster Bodhi looked at Jiang Feng and said to him, "Shifter Emperor, do you lack a weapon?"

Jiang Feng took out the Jingu Staff and glanced at Sun Wukong before answering the Grandmaster, "Yes!"