Taking Back Xuanwu’s Blood of Origin

After Jiang Feng had left, Kitazawa Sakura looked at where he had disappeared from. She was shocked, scared, and confused.

She did not realize that the first person that would see her naked body was a monkey.

A monkey!

She could have screamed or yelled for help after that, but she did not know why when she realized that the monkey was the Shifter Emperor, and she remembered what he was like when he was fighting at Osaka City.

And she remembered his silver hair and red eyes…


Once he was back at the Ancient City, Jiang Feng felt defeated.

But he took it out of his head. He did not do it on purpose, and considering that no one really got hurt in the end, he was not going to dwell on it.

Initially, Xiao Longnu jumped into his mind. But he was able to control and remind himself he could not do that.

If he did that, Xiao Longnu would be enraged, and he would lose a friend. He would also hurt her psychologically.