The Gathering Storm

Nirvana Auction house.

"Haha, now all that is left is the final Sacred Beast in the African Server. Once the monkey gets that, I will become rich!" Bobo looked at Jiang Feng on the screen from the Casino with excitement as he crunched on another carrot.

"Hehe, I have also bet 500,000pp on him. Fifty means that I will receive 25,000,000pp. I will also become rich!" Old Qiu said in agreement.

Bobo laughed heartily at Old Qiu, "Congratulations!"

Old Qiu replied, "To you too!"

Just as the two old geezers were already celebrating with each other, everyone else in the Casino had become pale. These were all those that bet that Jiang Feng would fail.

Some of them even wanted to quickly tell Shi Long and Black Widow where Jiang Feng was so that they would kill Jiang Feng. Then, they would become the winner.

Unfortunately, even if they leave the Nirvana Auction house, they would not appear in the Divine Dominion Continent.