Hang On, Huaxia Server!

The World War continued in the Pacific Ocean.

The 1,000,000 Huaxia players were trapped by the opposing players from the five servers.

The players on the outermost layers kept on dying.

As there were enemies all around them, the players from the Huaxia server could not react quickly enough to them.

When Ling Feiyu saw that the players kept on dying, she frowned and quickly said to them, "Those that have died, put your name into the chat. Teams, ready to pull them back into the party!"


In the next moment, among the group of players, thousands of portals opened up and all the players that died had all been pulled back into the battlefield.

The reason she did that was to stop them from losing too many members.

Then, when Ling Feiyu saw that a group of players was riding toward her, she quickly used the Shifter Hierophant's unique skill, Command, and yelled, "Shifters from all directions, heed my call!"