I’ll Destroy All Who Stop Me!

When James J saw Jiang Feng return, his face paled.

Looking at Jiang Feng standing on the flag, he had finally decided to run!

"The Shifter Emperor is back! Withdraw now!" He shouted and quickly escaped toward the outskirts of the Ancient City.

Jiang Feng took the flag and put it behind him, and he then took out Deicide. He teleported next to James J and slammed him directly using his staff. He was immediately crushed, and his white robe was splattered with blood.

"Run? All of you will die today!" He brushed away the blood on his face and he smiled coldly. He then took a step and headed to where Johns and the others were.


The Shifter Emperor is back!

James J's final scream before his untimely death was very loud.

It was so loud that the players and NPCs nearby the Respawn Point heard it.

There were also some reporters and streamers within the area.

They rushed over as soon as they heard it.