Traditions of the Affluent

Jiang Feng played the game until it was afternoon and a housekeeper had come to deliver his meals.

As Ling Feiyu had just come back, she would be having lunch together with her great grandfather.

After lunch, Jiang Feng reentered the game.

Once he had logged back in, he continued to farm the dungeon.

He only had one piece of the set equipment, so it did not have many effects. As he did not manage to farm for the other pieces, he did not want to simply let it pass him by.

This time, he played until 6 in the evening.

His level had also reached level 129 after half a day. His leveling speed was very fast.

The main reason that levels could increase so quickly was that his one attack could instantly kill a Black Poison Spider in hard difficulty. He could kill a large amount of them using one area of effect skill.