A Man and A Beast

All the beasts' corpses were stored in a basement underneath the Animal Arena.

Every day, there would be carts coming in for the beasts, and sending their corpses onto the dining tables of the rich.

He followed Sis Hua to a metal door in the basement of the Animal Arena.

He pushed open the door, and the smell of blood instantly washed over him.

Sis Hua frowned as she covered her mouth and said to Jiang Feng, "Go in on your own. This place is yours now."

With that Sis Hua quickly got out of the place. She could not stand the stench of the blood.

Jiang Feng did not care about Sis Hua and entered through the metal door.

The moment he went in, he saw that all the corpses were littered on the ground in piles.

"Huh… I never thought that there would be so many beasts dying in the Animal Arena every day. So cruel!"

There were around twenty corpses in the room. Most of them were Tibetan Mastiffs and Wolfhounds.