Recruiting Su Daji

Jiang Feng looked at the two women that appeared after the mirage had disappeared. He then used Identify on both the women.

Su Daji*: Level 200 Rank Two Sacred NPC

Introduction: The eldest daughter of the Jinhai Town near the Golden Sea Wetlands.

Su Ningxiang: Level 200 Rank Two Sacred NPC

Introduction: Su Daji's younger sister…

"Er… a famous person from the Huaxia mythology," Jiang Feng mumbled to himself as he looked at Su Daji and Su Ningxiang from afar.

But what surprised him was that Su Daji and Su Ningxiang were not from the Fox race.

He gave it a thought, then understood why.

Su Daji and Su Ningxiang were originally humans, but they were possessed by the Nine-Tailed Foxes afterward.

Looking at the two sisters playing on the surface of the water, Jiang Feng and Mu Xi looked at each other before heading toward both of them.