Heifeng Became a Dad

Snowrock Forest, Hanshuang City.

Heifeng was lying next to a rock as he looked at the pregnant Snow Tiger.

"Ahaha! Heifeng, you must be an idiot! You made her pregnant! Haha! You are trying to kill me," Yanhu literally fell about laughing as he pointed his tiger claw at Heifeng and mocked him.

"What are you laughing at? It was all because of you saying that it would be fun to be with a Snow Tiger. Otherwise, it wouldn't end up like this." Heifeng felt very wronged.

He did not expect that he would get the Snow Tiger pregnant just for having fun that one time.

Because it was a game, the pregnancy period was very short and it would grow up very quickly. In just one day, the Snow Tiger was going to give birth at any time.

"Haha!" Yanhu felt that how Heifeng looked currently was extremely funny. He even took out a chicken drumstick to tease him and said, "Come on, lick!"