The Furious Ox King

The Ox King

Titled, The Great Sage Who Pacifies the Heaven.

While he was not as powerful as Sun Wukong, he was still very powerful.

Logically speaking, he should be in Dragonquarry, but he was in Silvermoon.

That meant that he was quite heavily injured, and he had lost much of his power.

Perhaps that was why the quest would appear.

Ling Luo was the one that triggered the quest. While Jiang Feng was the one that captured Red Boy in the end, the final quest still fell on Ling Luo.

Bajia Cave. It was close to the Fire Cloud Cave, but far from the Flaming Mountains, and within a mountain that had good scenery.


A green field in front of Bajia Cave.

The very beautiful Princess Iron Fan was guiding a yellow ox to have a walk under the sunset.

The yellow ox would eat the grass, and would sometimes moo at her.