I Will Eat You

Once he was back in his room, Jiang Feng and Ling Feiyu lay down in the game terminal and logged into the game after one whole day of tiredness.

After they entered the game, Jiang Feng reappeared on the Floating Island.

"Hey, where did you go yesterday? I waited for you for the whole day," Ling Luo said unhappily when she saw Jiang Feng come back online.

Jiang Feng gave her a faint smile and said, "I had something I needed to do yesterday. Don't tell me that you've been waiting for me all this while?"

Ling Luo took out her sniper rifle, aimed below the Floating Island, and fired. "Not really. I've been leveling on the Floating Island."

Level 162!

Jiang Feng glanced at her level and then at the monster that was hit down below them. He pursed his lips and said, "You're damn good!"