The New Inheritor of the Necropolitans

There were still a lot of players on the Divine Dominion Continent. Most of them had reached level 100 and above.

There was still a few more months until the next war.

When he was flying, he saw that there were many players below him. In order to avoid causing a ruckus, he had used his Polymorph skill to change into a human and had used the I.D. card to change his physical appearance and stats.

When his level had reached level 50, he turned his physical appearance into someone that looked like a simpleton and a newbie.

In order to not attract too much attention, he had also hidden the Void Nightmare's effect as he rode on it and flew through the air.


After a while, several attacks flashed past him, catching him by surprise.

He thought that there were enemies, and he quickly looked at where the attacks came from.

He then saw that on a mountain, two groups of players were having a fierce battle.