Something is Wrong with the Plot

"Hm? Bishop Baiyue is not here?" Jiang Feng was confused when he could not find the bishop after scanning the area several times.

But he knew that Bishop Baiyue must be around here somewhere.

He was the hands that had pushed forward the plot. Without him being present, the plot could not continue.

"Feng Ye, watch out!" Just as he was looking at his surroundings, Ningbai's voice suddenly rang next to him.

He turned around and saw two skills that were thrown directly toward him, and Ningbai stood in front of him and blocked the attacks.


In the next moment, the two skills struck at Ningbai, and instantly killed her as she had already lost a lot of health before this.

When she saw that Jiang Feng was fine when she died, he heaved a sigh of relief.