Rain of Swords

After putting away all the items, he then returned to the Nuwa Temple.

At this time, Li Xiaoyao had yet to return.

He was feeling a bit bored waiting for his return. He then gave Lin Yueru and Tang Yu a heads-up and left the Nuwa Ruins to return to the surface of the Sacred Lake.

He was going to use this time to level up and make some Evolution Pills as well as Divine Beast bloodline.

He would recruit even more followers later, and he would need a great number of Evolution Pills and Divine Beast bloodlines later as their demands increase as well.

Of course, the Evolution Pills and Divine Beast bloodlines were useless for the monsters that were Divine Beasts and beyond. However, he could still use them to improve his followers that were at the base level.

"Since there's nothing for me to do here, I should try playing with a sword!"